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Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi is back in the news, this time with his vision of a bi-national state to replace Israel.

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has published a “white book” outlining his ideas for a resolution of the Middle East conflict. Gaddafi’s plan for a bi-national Jewish-Muslim state, to be called “Israstine,” is presented on a Hebrew language website in an attempt to promote his vision for peace directly to the Israeli public.

According to the website, Gaddafi’s Israstine state would be based on the following basic principles:

Return of Palestinian refugees to their land

A multi-national state, based on the Lebanese model

Free elections, under UN supervision

Joint Jewish-Palestinian parliament

Total dismantling of weapons in Middle East

According to Gaddafi, his plan would not only resolve the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but would restore calm to the entire Middle East, “This will bring an end to the conflict in the Middle East. The state will be recognized, like Lebanon, and will participate in Arab League meetings,” he stated.

The plan postulates that the formation of Israstine would best ensure safety for its citizens, both Jewish and Muslim. “A separate Jewish State poses an Arab and Moslem target, but a joint Jewish-Muslim state will not be attacked by Muslims or Arabs,” the Libyan leader said.

“The [proposed] solution is a culmination of existing realities and historical trends. The new state’s infrastructure will allow both Palestinians and Israelis to live in complete freedom. Those who refer to the West Bank as holy land can live and travel there freely and nothing will prevent those who choose to call it Judea and Samaria,” Gaddafi stated.

“This way things will return to their natural cycle, bringing an end to oppression because there is no historical enmity between Jews and Arabs. The conflict has been between Jews and the Romans, in ancient times, and Jews and the Europeans in the modern period,” Gaddafi said.

Gaddafi defended his choice of names for the proposed state, against would-be objectors. “There may be opposition to the name ‘Israstine.’ This opposition is not productive, superficial and very damaging. People who object are over sensitive and illogical.

An aide to Gaddafi told Yediot Aharonot that the creation of the Hebrew language website would “give the people of Israel the opportunity to visit Gaddafi’s site and read his writings. It’s important that the Israelis read the book themselves, in their own language.”

Visitors to the site noted that the Hebrew used was full of colorful grammatical and spelling errors.

Despite the Libyan leader’s attempt to reach out to Israel, Gaddafi aides said that there would be no change in the status between the two nations. “There is no change in Libyan policy toward Israel, and no call for opening formal or informal channels of communication with her.”

This idea sounds about as logical as Shimon Peres’ proposal that Jerusalem be capital of the world, with the UN Secretary General as mayor. I cannot envisage a state in which the palestinians are the majority yet are willing to share power with a people they view as the “sons of monkeys and pigs.” I suppose we should trust them and ‘give it a go’ anyway?

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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