Humpty Dumpty lookalike Palestinian External Affairs Minister Nabil Sha’ath is insisting on the so-called palestinian right of return. This despite only 10% of palestinians demanding it.
The palestinian right of return is as follows: Israel established a state and the Arab states chose instead to wage war against us and lost, with many Arabs in Israel fleeing at the behest of their leaders. Despite the huge amount of Arab land surrounding the tiny state of Israel, the so-called palestinians have been kept in refugee camps, so as to destroy Israel demographically at a future time, since they cannot do so militarily. Now the so-called palestinians want their own state free of Jewish settlements AND the right of these palestinian refugees to flood the Jewish state.Sha’ath described the Palestinian refugee right of a return as “an integral part of the Arab peace initiative, which is one of the reference points in the road map” – a reference to the Saudi peace initiative the Arab League approved in March last year.
“I want to be clear – this right includes returning to an independent state and to Palestinian cities in the Jewish state,” Sha’ath said. “Whether a person returns to Haifa or to Nablus, his return is guaranteed [by the road map].”
Despite the fact that this “right of return” is not in the road map, it is not even recognized in international law. For more on its legality, click here.