Not satisfied with suing Jews for the exodus from Egypt that occurred 34 centuries ago, the Muslims are pursuing another frivolous law suit:
So let’s get this straight. An unidentified plane veers over territory held by Israel, during a time of mounting tension between Israel and its hostile neighbors. The plane is ordered to land and refuses. Fearing that the plane is headed towards Tel Aviv on a suicide mission, the Israeli planes shoot it down.Libya’s payment of compensation to the families of victims in two plane crashes seems to have inspired yet another compensation claim – by families of victims of an Arab aircraft that was shot down by Israeli airforce jets 30 years ago.
According to the Islamic Association of Palestine news agency based in the US, Arab families who lost their relatives in the shooting down of the Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 are planning to go to court to get compensation from Israel.
The Libyan plane was heading from Tripoli to Cairo on 21 February 1973, when bad weather forced the pilot to veer over Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. The Sinai was then occupied by Israel. Two Israeli jet fighters intercepted the plane and ordered it to land. But the pilot refused. The Israelis opened fire and the plane went up in flames killing all 106 people on board.
Sounds to me like the families of the victims should be suing the family of the Libyan pilot who exhibited gross negligence and stupidity.