The LA Times decries the fact that the security fence will slice through the Al Quds University, painting the picture of a regular university, replete with students just wanting to learn.
It is interesting to note that that the student considers the university land holier than Jerusalem. But that is a whole other blog entry. Al Quds is a hotbed for terrorists, as the following facts demonstrate:On the verge of completing a law degree, Amjad Abu Asab is now learning a real-life legal lesson. Every day on the campus of Al Quds University, the college senior exercises his right to lawful protest, planting himself in a shady spot on a patch of brown, parched earth.
Nearby is a basketball court and an open lot used as a soccer field – the only sports facilities the university owns, serving more than 6,000 students. But if the Israeli government has its way, even that small oasis of recreation will soon vanish, plowed under to make way for a security barrier that will slice the Al Quds campus in two.
Israeli authorities say the fence is designed to keep would-be Palestinian terrorists from entering Jerusalem. But it will bite off more than a quarter of the university’s land, something Abu Asab and a host of activists are determined to stop.“Sports and recreation are part of the life of the university,” said Abu Asab, 23. “All the land [in Jerusalem] is holy, but the land of the university is holier still. When Israel attacks the academy, in effect it’s attacking civilization.”
– There is a student organization at the university called “the Shahida Wafa Idris Cell”, after Wafa Idris, the first woman suicide bomber.
– Amongst documents seized from the palestinians during or soon after Operation Defensive Shield was a document showing that Al Quds University President Prof. Sari Nusseibeh had written to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, asking him to support the university “by allocating some of the money you are sending to Palestine, to Al Quds university.”
– The below pictures taken from Palestinian Media Watch are from an official Al Quds University student calendar.
The LA Times article states that the fence will “deal a blow to the university’s expansion plans..” Given the university’s background, I would guess that their “expansion plans” include Tel Aviv and Haifa.These maps of Israel under the sword appear on the back cover and as a watermark on each and every page of the calendar. The encircling of all of Israel represents Islamic “Palestine” replacing Israel, through the sword.
The calendar’s dedication on page 1 continues the violent themes:
“[Dedicated]… to the mothers who stand firm, the believing women who received the funerals not by collapsing, but with deep belief and acceptance of fate and even with cries of joy to the pure, who stand today despite their poverty, their lack of means, and their disgrace, stand erect and unwavering in the face of the American evil and those who aid it, because they know that the arrogance of heresy can be bent only through Jihad and Istishhad.” [Istishhad means to Seek Death for Allah, and is also used to define suicide bombers.]
The calendar is by “The committee representing the women students- Student Council”, “The Faculty of Religious Promotion and the Foundations of Faith Al-Quds University.”