Arutz Sheva reports that Irineos (or as I like to call him, “Urineos”), the unrecognized leader of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem and a candidate for the post of Greek Orthodox Patriarch, was caught lying to IDF soldiers and trying to smuggle in a gun to Yasser Arafat.
Urineos has in the past claimed to remain impartial in the conflict.
But as Arutz Sheva mentions, this is far from the truth.“I am not pro-Palestinian, nor pro-Israeli, nor pro-anything. I am only pro-God…There is only one viable solution in every conflict between human beings: discussion and mutual concessions.”
It is bad enough having PLO Arabs hide weapons in baby strollers and under baby cribs, as well as in ambulances and hospitals. Now they have men of cloth helping them in their efforts to murder as well.In the past, Irineos has offered to grant church-owned lands in Jerusalem to the PA. The church’s large holdings include such properties as those on which stand the Knesset, the Prime Minister’s Home and the President’s Residence. Irineos has also written blatantly anti-Semitic remarks. On July 17, 2001, he wrote, “You [Arafat] are aware of the sentiments of disgust and disrespect that all the Holy Sepulchre fathers are feeling for the descendants of the crucifiers of our Lord… actual crucifiers of your people, Sionists [sic] Jewish conquerors of the Holy Land of Palestine.”