According to WorldNetDaily:
The controversy over whether Mel Gibson’s upcoming film “The Passion of the Christ” will encourage anti-Semitism has taken a dramatic turn, according to an evangelical leader.
While attending a recent screening of the film in Dallas, says best-selling author, minister and frequent WorldNetDaily columnist Michael D. Evans, Gibson decided on the spot to proactively discourage anti-Semitism by including after the movie’s final fade-to-black a statement Evans suggested.
The statement is: “During the Roman occupation, 250,000 Jews were crucified by the Romans, but only One rose from the dead.”
Because attendees to the Dallas showing weren’t asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, Evans chose to write about the turn of events.
“Why am I speaking out now?” he writes in today’s WND. “I realized that leaders in the Jewish community were still extremely worried about increased anti-Semitism because of the film. I became convinced it was time to let the Jewish community know that Mr. Gibson is very concerned, and is making a historic contribution to combat anti-Semitism.”