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Operation Summer Rains: Day Six

The terrorists have today issued an ultimatum: Israel is to release 1,000 palestinians jailed in Israel by Tuesday 6:00AM or “pay the consequences.” If the groups do not hear from Israel by that time, they will regard the abduction of Corporal Gilad Shalit a “closed case.” While the terrorists did not elaborate on this, it is clear that there is an implied threat.
According to Ha’aretz, Israel’s defense establishment is prepared to release those prisoners who do not have “blood on their hands”, meaning those who have not been involved in planning or carrying out terror attacks. Ynetnews and JPost seem to indicate that Olmert is likely to oppose releasing palestinian prisoners.
Updates (Israel time; most recent at top)
11:10PM: Switzerland has accused Israel of violating international law.

Aren’t they supposed to be neutral?

11:05PM: Ghazi Hamad, the Hamas “government” spokesman is reported as saying the following:

“Since the kidnapping of the Israeli soldier we have called for the need to protect his life and solve the problem through calm diplomatic channels….We reiterate the necessity to resolve this problem with logic and wisdom and we think there remains a chance to reach an acceptable formula.”

Meanwhile, their ultimatum expires in 7 hours.

9:20PM: Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon has warned the terrorists that if they dare harm Gilad, “the sky would come crashing down on them.”

8:50PM: Defense Minister Amir Peretz has warned Syria:

“I suggest that [Syrian President] Bashar Assad, who is trying to operate with his eyes shut tight, open his eyes, because he is responsible,” Peretz cautioned.

Shouldn’t be too hard for the dorktator, considering he is an ophthalmologist.

Israel would “know how to reach everyone responsible” if Shalit is harmed, Peretz said.

8:10PM: Israeli television reports that IDF operations in Gaza will not be widened tonight.

7:27PM: Here’s a news alert that illustrates my last point nicely:

United Arab List Chairman al-Sana calls on Hamas to extend its deadline (Haaretz)

The United Arab List is a party in the Knesset. Notice how they are not calling for the release of the Israeli soldier, but only an extension of the deadline.

7:15PM: Ynetnews reports on the rising tension between Jewish and Arab MKs, as the latter express solidarity with the imprisoned Hamas officials, and generally show where their loyalties don’t lie.

5:07PM: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has called

for the terrorists to release Gilad Shalit, and to stop attacking

Israeli cities. He also called for Israel to exercise restraint.



4:25PM: A Kassam rocket has landed in the western Negev and caused a forest fire.
Seriously, folks, would your governments put up with any of this?

3:25PM: Israel has rejected

the Hamas ultimatum, with PM Olmert stating that Israel would not bow

to extortion by the Palestinian Authority or the Hamas government.

1:07PM: Australian blogger Antony Loewenstein

continues to demonstrate his discomfort with being Jewish. More to the

point, he shows why he is unlikely to ever be a credible journalist.

Why can Israel behave as it likes? It’s a God-given right.
No wonder Zionism is finding it difficult to recruit new believers. 
Back up your claims, Tony. Last time I looked, Zionism was finding

“new believers” at a rapid rate. Probably helped to a large extent by

the Islamic terrorists’ crusade against the free world.

12:42PM: The IAF have fired missiles at a Hamas-affiliated terror cell in possession of an antitank rocket, killing one of the terrorists.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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