Outspoken Muslim cleric Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly believes “enemies” are using “advanced sciences” to divide Muslims and called on the world’s Islamic communities to unite.His latest rant comes as Federal Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews yesterday issued the mufti with an ultimatum: Shut up or leave Australia.The controversial imam used an appearance at an Islamic unity conference in the Iranian capital Tehran to attack those he said wanted to divide the Muslim world.“(The) enemy is trying to postpone Muslims’ awareness through his advanced sciences. Enemies are trying to create disunity in the Islamic world,” the cleric said.He then called on all Muslims to “stand in the trenches with the Islamic Republic of Iran” ‚Äì a country which has declared its intention to manufacture nuclear weapons.
The mufti’s mouthpiece, Keysar Trad, again claimed the mufti had been misquoted and taken out of context.“(He) is being watched for every comment he says and it is blown out of proportion by the media while he is away. It’s not fair he is not here to explain what he means,” Mr Trad said from Dubai.When asked what the Sheik was referring to when he mentioned “the enemy”, Mr Trad said: “The enemy of the Islamic nation is generally anything that is evil or by nature inherently bad or seen as malicious.
“Generally the Islamic translation for evil is Satan. It is metaphysical, not a physical being or reference to a person or country.”
“Those atheists, people of the book (Christians and Jews), where will they end up? In Surfers Paradise? On the Gold Coast? Where will they end up? In hell and not part-time, for eternity. They are the worst in God‚Äôs creation.”
..and these:
“Satan sees women as half his soldiers. You‚Äôre my messenger in necessity, Satan tells women you‚Äòre my weapon to bring down any stubborn man. There are men that I fail with. But you‚Äôre the best of my weapons.”
“‚ĶThe woman was behind Satan playing a role when she disobeyed God and went out all dolled up and unveiled and made of herself palatable food that rakes and perverts would race for. She was the reason behind this sin taking place.”
Thankfully, the Australian government sees right through this bovine excrement.
His latest comments come as federal leaders on both sides yesterday called on Australia’s Muslim community to disown the “massive embarrassment”.Mr Andrews said Mr Hilaly should decide once and for all whether he wants to be Australian ‚Äì otherwise he should pack his bags permanently and move to “some Middle Eastern country”.Mr Andrews admitted the Federal Government was powerless to strip the mufti of his citizenship or prevent his return to Australia.Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer joined a growing chorus of people calling for the mufti to be sacked.“Here is a man who travels the world making all sorts of completely absurd and incredible comments,” Mr Downer said. “This man is a massive embarrassment. My view is that he has just got to be removed as the leader of the Islamic community in Australia and some moderate and reasonable person needs to take his place.”Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd said Mr Hilaly’s comments “deserve condemnation and provide further reason why he should be removed as mufti of Australia”.The mufti was due back at the end of the this week but is believed to have extended his stay overseas.
Here’s hoping he extends his stay until, say, forever.
* For previous examples of the “he was misquoted/misunderstood” defense, see here, and here.