Our “friend” Michael has hit some rough times with his ever-so-witty blog Israellybigot – Inside the mind (a really scary place) of an ex-Aussie bigot. For a start, he seems to be spewing his bile to a rather tough crowd, with comments ranging from “Its a pity you cant also ‘export’ yourself permanently. Believe me, nobody would miss you” to “wow, you are a complete douche and a jerk.” But for mine, you can’t go past “I’ll keep this short and sweet. You are a stupid f****!” for brevity.
And I anticipate even rougher times ahead for Michael after his latest post.
I’m sure it seemed like a good idea at the time, but the ever alert Michael seems to have missed the minor point that I did not write the post. That would be Israellycool contributor Brian of London, as evidenced by the Shire Network News logo and words “Brian of London” prominently displayed.
But don’t let these hiccups stand in your way, Michael. After all, you’ve got all that time on your hands. It would be a shame to spend it on something constructive.
Update: Michael has made minor modifications to his original post to cover for his embarrassing error. Attaboy!