The IDF foiled a terror attack on Thursday, with an IDF bomb squad detonating a 15-kilogram explosive seized during a search conducted along the Egyptian border. Unfortunately, the terrorist who was seen carrying the bag before dropping it, is still in the land of the living after fleeing back to Egypt.
Meanwhile, on Thursday evening, palestinian terrorists fired 5 mortar in to Israel.
Updates (Israel time; most recent at top)
3:33PM: I’ve already posted the photo; now you can see Omri Casspi, the first Israeli in the NBA, and Hamed Haddadi, the first Iranian in the NBA, making nice on video!
12:20PM: One of the terrorists – apparently a member of the Al Qaeda-affiliated group even more radical than Hamas – has reached his 72 virgin Arafats in “paradise.”
12:15PM: The IAF has struck a cell of terrorists in Gaza, wounding at least 4 preparing to fire rockets into Israel. The rocket launcher itself also did not fair well in the strike.
8:30AM: This is how Ma’an News reported yesterday’s palestinian terror attack on two Israelis.
Palestinian shot in Hebron over alleged knife attack
As if the real tragedy was the terrorist being shot. Also note how the it is the knife attack that is only “alleged”, but the palestinian terrorist being shot is a fact.
But it gets better. Ma’an reports it is palestinians who are afraid after the attack.
Bassam Jabari, a Palestinian living in the area near the settlement, said he was afraid he would be attacked by settlers in the evening following the incident.
Meanwhile, even though they report the attack as being only “alleged”, Ma’an nevetheless tries to blame it on the Joooooos.
Kiryat Arba is located on the outskirts of Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank. It has been a flashpoint for violence in the past. In December 2008, settlers from Kiryat Arba rampaged through neighboring areas, setting fire to houses and injuring several people, after their government evicted Israelis from a nearby house they took over from Palestinians.
Tensions were also running high after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Wednesday limitations on construction in the Jewish-only settlements, which were built on land owned by Palestinians.
12:40AM: A follow-up story on young Moshe Holtzberg, orphaned after his parents were slaughtered during the Mumbai Chabad House terror attack a year ago.
12:35AM: Quote of the day:
“I do not envy the prime minister. We are facing an awful administration”
“Within a week, construction will start on housing units (in the West Bank) that had been previously approved, and then we will be accused of being cheaters and scoundrels. I know the prime minister is in distress; it is not easy facing the US president, after the latter dragged him through a series of torments.”
– Israeli Culture and Sports Minister Limor Livnat ripping Barack Obama a new one.