I am very excited to announce the commencement of the Pro-Israel Blog-Off for 2011, my new initative designed to showcase the blogosphere’s best pro-Israel material in a fun and exciting manner.
Bloggers are invited to submit one “pro-Israel” entry, whether it be a blog post, podcast, or video no older than 1 month. Then each week, I will pit submissions against each other. The winner, decided by a combination of reader votes and panel-determined score, moves to the next round, where they will submit a new entry to compete against another first round winner. The process continues until we get to two finalists competing for an Apple iPad.
I will be taking submissions in the comments to this post until Tuesday 18th January, or until I receive 80 valid entries. An entry is valid if it meets the following criteria:
– It’s focus is on pro-Israel hasbara
– It was submitted by the blogger himself/herself and not by some other party
– It was posted for the first time no earlier than 1 month ago
– The submission is posted in the comments to this post in the following format:
Title of Blog
Title of Post
URL of Post
e.g. Israellycool
Pro-Israel Celebrities
– The blogger has inserted the following badge in their sidebar:
Make sure the image links to: http://www.israellycool.com/pro-israel-blog-off-2011/
You can read more about the contest, rules and judging panel at the Blog-off page here.
Please spread the word and good luck!
76 thoughts on “2011 Pro-Israel Blog-Off”
Where do we send the article Sir Dave?
Per the above instructions:
The submission is posted in the comments to this post in the form:
Title of Blog
Title of Post
URL of Post
e.g. Israellycool
Pro-Israel Celebrities
The fruit of appeasment http://fresnozionism.org/2011/01/the-fruit-of-app…
What's your email? I need to send you something.
Glad I can read eh? Oh well, hopefully I write better than I read …
My entry is: http://katinchozer.blogspot.com/2011/01/zionist-f…
Not your fault. I added the detail a little after I first posted this.
But your entry is currently not valid. Please include the title of blog, and the title of post in addition to the URL. Also, the badge code you used is not correct.
I used the one in your list – this is from the Blog. Am I doing something wrong?
<p style=”text-align: center;”><img src=&rdquo ;http://www.israellycool.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/blogoff.bmp” alt=”" />
Title of Blog Life Through My Eyes
Title of Post Zionist Football
URL of Post http://katinchozer.blogspot.com/2011/01/zionist-f…
Let me know re: the logo
There was a problem with the code. I updated the post accordingly with the correct code.
Blog: Liberty's Spirit
Title: A New Tablet http://libertysspirit.blogspot.com/2010/12/new-ta…
written by Independent Patriot/Elise (this is my political blog different from the asd2mom blog)
the code does not work on blogger
And now? (see new code above)
I tired it again and it still doesn't seem to work. It doesn't show up on the blog at all. Sorry. I am placing it in the html gadget box. Does it go in another gadget?
I am not familar with blogger. Meanwhile, I adjusted the instructions in the post.
Got it… great!
I have modified the instructions for inserting the badge, since the code I provided did not seem to work for some. Please see above.
Mate – I think it finally works. Can you confirm my entry is now 'ok'? 🙂
Shabbat Shalom.
Yes, it is ok.
Elder of Ziyon
Eldertoons: Israeli "apartheid" http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2010/12/eldertoo…
Good luck Elder! 🙂 Remember me? 🙂
The sea of reeds as Moses calls the Red Sea you must see what this guy wrote on it at http://www.israelreturns.com
Huffington Post Monitor
Refuting The "My Tax Dollars" Argument http://hpmonitor.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-tax-doll…
Divest This
Tactics – Metaphors http://www.divestthis.com/2010/12/tactics-metapho…
The David Project Blog
The Imperative of Israel Education
The Jihad threat against the West and Israel (http://edgar1981.blogspot.com)
Imagine if the London student riots had taken place in Israel http://edgar1981.blogspot.com/2010/12/imagine-if-…
Challah Hu Akbar
Internationalizing the Temple Mount http://challahhuakbar.blogspot.com/2011/01/intern…
Title of Blog: Daled Amos
Title of Post: Will Jan Helin And Aftonbladet Investigate The Story Of Hamas Trafficking In Stolen Organs?
URL of Post: http://daledamos.blogspot.com/2010/12/will-jan-he…
"Mugged by Reality:" respected American-Israeli journalist explains Israelis' situation internationally – but with context. http://blessingbank.blogspot.com/2011/01/understa…
7 agorot
Israeli ReWalk saves ‘Glee’ Christmas http://7agorot.com/israeli-rewalk-saves-glee-chri…
Great idea….learnt about it at Blazing Cat Fur blogspot.
Here's my entry:
Please follow the submissions instructions. For instance, you did not place the badge with link on your site.
Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations
Virtual Tour of the Shepherd Hotel Area http://yaacovlozowick.blogspot.com/2011/01/virtua…
Genocide Blueprint: The One State Final Solution http://ultimatecultureclash.com/3912/
Don't forget the video with this post! 😮
[youtube b9z1N7lFPZY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9z1N7lFPZY youtube]
Ok, so where's the badge code at? Or should I copy the image and link it manually?
Don't forget the badge with link on your site. Otherwise, your submission is not valid.
Heres a little satire
Title of Blog: E-TONE
Title of Entry: Israel Mulls Settler Freeze http://ilsatire.blogspot.com/2011/01/israel-consi…
Bruce's MidEast Soundbites
Find the Terrorist, Not the Bomb http://brucesmideastsoundbites.blogspot.com/2010/…
Hey Bruce, please place the badge in your sidebar, not the post, per the instructions.
I've tried multiple times to get the badge in my sidebar. Blogger does not make this easy and I cannot figure our how to do so…thus, I added a separate post which i hope is acceptable: http://brucesmideastsoundbites.blogspot.com/2011/…
Please see if you can ask someone to help you. Failing that, I will accept your submission.
BCF mentioned.. so linked. will see if I can come up with a post.
linked.. http://republicaninthearts.blogspot.com/2011/01/2…
Eretz Avot
Marketing Israel
The Propagandist Magazine
An Urgent Appeal For ZAKA http://propagandistmag.com/2011/01/08/urgent-appe…
Please add the badge and link per the instructions, or otherwise this submission is invalid.
Whoops – thought I had. The badge and link are up.
It's just under the 'My latest' section.
You nominated your entry at Propagandist so the badge needs to be on that site, and not on your personal site.
Arg – my bad. I'm so used to handling sidebar items from my site I just went into reflex. The Propagandist has an editor that I'll have to consult with first – I hope that's OK. From: [email protected]: [email protected]: israellycool replied to your comment on 2011 Pro-Israel Blog-Off
Just a reminder that I cannot count this submission unless you either:
1. Cange it to the post on your personal blog; or
2. Place the badge with link at Propagandist
Submissions close tomorrow evening Israel time
George Galloway's latest lies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc-wW5fZtxo
Is this a nominated entry?
Israel Muse Portal
Pictures Of The Real Gaza (Album 4) http://israelmuse.blogspot.com/2010/11/pic-pictur…
Israel Muse Portal
Pictures Of The Real Gaza (Album 5) http://israelmuse.blogspot.com/2011/01/pic-pictur…
Not sure how many we can post, apologies if not more than one…
Yes, you can post only one.
Which one will it be?
Title of Blog: What War Zone
Title of Entry: WWZ Vlog #4: Size Doesn't Matter
URL: http://www.whatwarzone.com/2011/01/wwz-vlog-4-siz…
Practicing Academic Genocide http://myrightword.blogspot.com/2011/01/practicin…
The blog is entitled A Liberal Defence of Israel. The post is 'Loosening the Belt'. Its url is http://mid-eastplus.blogspot.com/
I cannot enter the picture because my blog is on blogger and I see it won't work there. In any case, I don't know how to put things into the sidebar.
Get back to me if there is anything I can add. The post is something of a spoof, but with a serious message.
Please add the badge and link to the bottom of your post at the very least. You are able to do that with Blogger.
Perhaps you can ask someone else with blogger how to add the badge and link to the sidebar.
I don't know anyone else on blogger, I don't know what your 'code' is, and I've tried to copy the badge, without success. I have put your url and blog after the post and added it to blogs I'm following. Isn't there an easier way to do this? Some of us older folks aren't as IT savvy as the younger generation.
Sorry for the previous difficulties – hope I'm not too late to the show. Reposted the entry on my own site with the side-bar, instead of the original, third-party site.
The Blog of Walker
An urgent appeal for ZAKA http://walkersunknownthoughts.blogspot.com/2011/0…
Blog title: Jerusalem Diaries
Blog post title: Sderot Yahrzeit: Tu B'Shvat Beginnings
URL: http://jerusalemdiaries.blogspot.com/2011/01/sder…
Thanks, Dave. Chag Tu B'shvat sameach…
Sorry Judy. You are two days late. I posted the shortlist yesterday.
Chag Tu B'shvat sameach.
Israel for Liberals
{VIDEO POST} Israel: The Gay Capital of the Middle East http://israelforliberals.com/israel-gay-capital-m…
The deadline was over a week ago, and the contest has already started. Needless to say, your submission will not be considered.
rucho shel mashiach
UK Philosopher Legitimizes Palestinian Terrorism http://ruchoshelmashiach.blogspot.com/2011/01/uk-…
Did you even read the post? Submissions by Jan 18th. You're rather late.
Here's my submission, from Richard in Tel Aviv.
You're all welcome to visit and spread the word.
Israel hasn’t Abandoned the Left, the Left has Abandoned Israel http://anothermudpit.blogspot.com/2011/01/israel-…
Contest started over a week ago. You are way too late.
Yea, noticed that about 1 minute after I submitted. No matter. Check out the blog in any case if you're interested. And keep up the good work.
Blog: The Jewish Voice and Opinion
Good News in Israel: Best Economy in the West, Energy Independence, and Maybe Future Exports http://jewishvoiceandopinion.com/2011/01/good-new…
Comments are closed.