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The trial of antisemitic looney-tune Brendon O’Connell continues, with O’Connell doing nothing to dispel the notion that he’s a hateful moron.

For instance, his invocation of the “Ricky Gervais” defense.

A man on trial for racial harassment has told a Perth jury he stands by his comments that Jewish people are “racist homicidal maniacs” and if given the chance he would repeat his actions “a thousand times again”.

Brendan Lee O’Connell is charged with racial harassment steaming from an incident outside a South Perth IGA in 2009. Mr O’Connell was at the supermarket as part of a Friends of Palestine protest against the sale of Israeli fruit when he became involved in an argument with Jewish man Stanley Keyser. Mr Keyser went to the protest as part of his role as president of the Australasian Union of Jewish students.

During the argument, which Mr O’Connell filmed and later edited and posted on the internet, the accused tells Mr Keyser that he is a from a “religion and race of hate” and he is a “racist homicidal maniac”.

Mr O’Connell took to the stand in Perth District Court today and compared Judaism to an organised crime syndicate, said he was proud to be associated with holocaust denier Fredrick Toben. He intimated he was somehow responsible for the resignations of a police public prosecutor, former channel nine news director and now journalist with The West Australian Adrian Beattie and former Director of Public Prosecutions Robert Cock.

He also made assertions that “Jews control the entire world”.

“It seems like something from nazi propaganda but it’s true,” Mr O’Connell told the jury. “They even make jokes about it now, has anyone seen Ricky Gervais?”

Then there’s his claim of sinister bird deaths (presumably Zionistically caused)

He also alleged that when police confiscated his computer to investigate the racial harassment claims they deleted files which contained footage he had taken in Esperance in 2006 when there were mass bird deaths attributed to lead poisoning. He said the footage showed the birds falling in patterns and “aircraft leaving the sky”.

Of course, when it comes to O’Connell, the only bird worth discussing is the cuckoo.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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