Today the price of petrol (gasoline) was set to hit ?8.05 per litre in Israel. By a quirk of exchange rates that equates to $8 per gallon. Like a State Governor granting a last minute stay of execution for the condemned, Netanyahu temporarily reduced the tax on petrol to keep the price at ?7.95 (for full service) or ?7.74 if you get off your tuchas and put it yourself. Excise duty and VAT on fuel is 54%.
By comparison, however, we’re not so badly off. In the EU prices are as high as ?9.45 which equates to $9.45 per gallon in US numbers.
Meanwhile in other news, two men are working in the underground parking lot at my home to install the electricity for my forthcoming electric car from Better Place. If I was into conspiracy theories I’d say Better Place were deliberately driving the price of petrol up right now.
Netanyahu reduces petrol tax, for now – Israel Business, Ynetnews.