A few months ago, I blogged about Jordanian-born, Pro-Israel senate candidate Bader Qarmout.
The post came to Bader’s attention, and he contacted me, offering to answer any questions me or my readers may have.
Since I am less knowledgable on internal US matters, I focused my questions on issues closer to home.
Aussie Dave: Were you always pro-Israel or did your views change over time? If so, what helped shape your views?
Bader Qarmout: I believe my current view of Israel is due to my strong Christian faith. I belong to a Church that prays for Israel and its people daily. I am often asked to do so.
Aussie Dave: Have you ever visited Israel?Bader Qarmout: I have never visited Israel. My mom was born in Jaffa in 1935 and my dad was born in Lod in 1925. I would love to visit one day, better yet as a U.S. Senator.
Aussie Dave: Do you believe that Israel treats its Arab population as second class citizens as many claim?
Bader Qarmout: That is the claim, I do not have enough information to honestly say. I do know that most Arab Israelis in Israel prefer to live under Israel than Palestinian government, that is a fact.
Aussie Dave: How should the so-called palestinian refugee problem be solved?
Aussie Dave: Do you believe Israeli settlements are an obstacle to peace?Bader Qarmout: [answering these questions together] These issues must be discussed in a comprehensive plan that is reached by both sides without pressure from people who do not live there. Israel as does the Palestinians must make sure the safety and security of their citizens is a top priority.
Aussie Dave: Do you support a Palestinian state?Bader Qarmout: Only if reached by both sides in a joint resolution without outside pressure. The security of the citizens must and national security must not be compromised.
Aussie Dave: A substantial body of opinion has developed in Israel and elsewhere that Jordan is Palestine. What is your opinion on this?Bader Qarmout: I am not sure if I agree.
Aussie Dave: Do you support calls to move the Israel embassy to Jerusalem?Bader Qarmout: YES
Aussie Dave: Would you support an Israeli strike on Iran?Bader Qarmout: YES, Israel does not need to seek permission from anybody especially if Israel believed it was due to prevent an imminent attack.
Aussie Dave: Do you think Israel should be allowed nukes?Bader Qarmout: YES
Aussie Dave: How do you react to those who see your declared support for Israel as political opportunism?Bader Qarmout: I can understand the skepticism. I am not interested in winning if it means not making a difference.
Aussie Dave: Do you think the 911 terrorists acted because of Islam or against it?Bader Qarmout: Both. Extremists use Islam to promote the extremism and anyone who gets in the way is the enemy.
Aussie Dave: Do you believe it is a minority of Muslims who support terrorism or a majority?Bader Qarmout: A minority physically support terrorism, but a larger number philosophically and emotionally do so. Silence is acceptance. This is a sign of the failure of the educational system.
Aussie Dave: Israel’s much vaunted security uses racial profiling. Do you believe it is more effective than other, less controversial methods?Bader Qarmout: Israel is by far the experts in this field and have more experience then the U.S. Profiling is effective but can be abusive.
Bader indicated he would be more than willing to answer reader’s questions, so please leave any such questions in the comments.