Remember the antisemitic Elmo? Well it turns out he’s a child pornographer and pedophile with the same name as a famous Jewish comedian.
Robert Caplin for The New York Times
The man, who said his legal name, if not an original one, is Adam Sandler, was handcuffed by the police and escorted from the park on Sunday afternoon after he was heard — and videotaped, by an English tourist — shouting anti-Semitic remarks outside the Central Park Zoo.
He said the doctors at Metropolitan told him he was “a little paranoid.” It was obvious from talking to him that he is troubled. But he told a lucid and detailed account of his life, and he told of his own dark past, one that might alarm parents whose children have posed with him. The tale he told underscored just how little is known about the men and women who dress as various children’s characters in tourist-clogged areas, looking for small tips. This tiny industry is unregulated.
Mr. Sandler said he has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Oregon, which the university confirmed. He later traveled to Cambodia and started a pornographic Web site called “Welcome to the Rape Camp.”
“I had a sex scandal,” he said.
An online search yielded news accounts of the site, like a 1999 article by The Associated Press that identified Mr. Sandler by his original name. The Cambodian police arrested Mr. Sandler that year and quickly deported him, according to news media accounts and Mr. Sandler. He insisted the women on the site were not harmed and were paid $20 per performance.
On Tuesday, he said the notoriety from the Rape Camp case led him to change his first name to Adam, and he asked that the original name not be included in this article. “I did run a porn site in Cambodia,” he said.
The site was the subject of an article in 2000 in the Journal of Sexual Aggression, titled, “ ‘Welcome to the Rape Camp’: Sexual Exploitation and the Internet in Cambodia,” by Donna M. Hughes, a professor at the University of Rhode Island.
Contacted on Wednesday, Ms. Hughes remembered the article and Mr. Sandler well. She said that after the article was published, she received several e-mail and voice mail messages from a man identifying himself as Mr. Sandler.
“I was the man who produced the rapecamp site,” the first e-mail began.
The messages were chilling. She forwarded several to The New York Times.
In one message, the man said he had had sex with a number of young girls in exchange for money in Cambodia.
It was impossible to confirm on Wednesday whether it was Mr. Sandler who sent the e-mails. He was not in Central Park at his usual place and time on Wednesday and did not return calls to his cellphone.
Ms. Hughes said on Wednesday that she forwarded his e-mails to Customs officials. An official with the United States Customs and Border Protection agency said on Wednesday that any records of that exchange would have been archived and are not readily available.
Mr. Sandler said he went on to work at the New York office of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. The organization’s headquarters, where he was recognized by staff members who saw news accounts of the Elmo incident Sunday, said he had not been an employee, but had worked there from a temp agency.
Don’t mess with the Zohan Moron.
But seriously, he should be stopped from dressing up as a loveable childrens’ character.
A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media