Meet Adam Schipkie, clearly no Einstein, and probably hates him for being a Jew.
Source: Herald Sun
A MAN being evicted over alleged anti-Jewish abuse and harassment of his neighbours has spent his final night screaming and banging doors
A resident of the Caulfied apartment building, Janet Waite, said she had woken to find blood all over concrete in the driveway of the residence.
“For two hours last night, at least two hours in the middle of the night he was howling and screaming and f’ing and and banging on doors,” Ms Waite said.
“I came out to go shopping and there’s blood everywhere, it’s not the first time.”
It comes after a tribunal yesterday ordered Adam Schipkie, 28, to leave his taxpayer-subsidised flat in the heart of Melbourne’s Jewish community within 48 hours.
Ms Waite said living with the man in the complex had been a nightmare and she would be a lot less worried once he had left.
“Every so often there are awful noises that come out of the front, very loud.
“There are little kids living in these flats and it can’t be very pleasant for the parents when all this stuff is going on.”
Ms Waite said she wasn’t aware of the man’s alleged behaviour towards Jewish neighbours.
“Let’s say it’s a multi-race annoyance.”
He is expected to be evicted from his apartment this afternoon, a removalist truck spent an hour in the complex this morning and left about 12.30pm
VCAT issued the urgent eviction ruling after Caulfield residents gave evidence they feared for their lives if he stayed on at the property.
The unemployed cook did not attend the hearing, but later denied being a white supremacist and told the Herald Sun he felt persecuted by his neighbours.
“Everyone around here has targeted me,” he said.
Mr Schipkie blamed acquaintances who sometimes visited for the anti-Semitic behaviour alleged by his terrified neighbours. One acquaintance had carved swastikas on his neighbours’ cars.
He said he shaved his head because it looked better than long hair, and claimed images of Nazi paraphernalia on his Facebook site proved his love of military antiques, not a hatred of Jews.
Looking at Schipkie’s Facebook page, it’s very easy to see we are not dealing with the sharpest tool in the shed. In fact, he’s so steeped in dumbassery that he left up posts clearly rendering his denial of Jew hatred and neo Nazism a complete lie.
I suggest Schipkie gets over his hatred of Jews and becomes a productive member of society. Otherwise this poster he uploaded to Facebook might soon reflect his reality.
A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media