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As political finance scandals go, it’s pretty low level. But it does seem to have captured everyone’s imagination. Bibi likes his ice cream. So of course we have this (unattributable just floating around the interwebs):

Bibi Ice Cream UN

The Hebrew just says “Cherry, Pistachio, Vanilla and Chocolate”.

And from our friend at Real Jerusalem Streets come these pictures of the Ice Cream parlour in question:

Bibi favorite ice cream parlour Jerusalem 2 Bibi favorite ice cream parlour Jerusalem 1

About the author

Picture of Brian of London

Brian of London

Brian of London is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy. Since making aliyah in 2009, Brian has blogged at Israellycool. Brian is an indigenous rights activist fighting for indigenous people who’ve returned to their ancestral homelands and built great things.
Picture of Brian of London

Brian of London

Brian of London is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy. Since making aliyah in 2009, Brian has blogged at Israellycool. Brian is an indigenous rights activist fighting for indigenous people who’ve returned to their ancestral homelands and built great things.
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