Following on from Brian’s posts about MJ Rosenberg’s evisceration of Ali “Abumination” Abunimah, Abunimah has reacted to Rosenberg’s allegation by heading into full Twitter meltdown mode.
I’ll RT some of the other anti-Palestinian fanatics joining @MJayRosenberg’s smear campaign against me.
— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
Of course @MJayRosenberg, like the other Zionists joining his campaign, cannot quote any “anti-Semitic” thing I said.
— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
It is instructive, once again, to see that racists, when they cannot refute your arguments will attempt to demonize you. — Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
Let me be clear: no matter how much @MJayRosenberg and other Zionists try to vilify and smear me, they will never deter or silence me. — Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
When Zionist bigots have already called you ever dirty word they can think of, their insults and smears are water off a ducks back. — Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
It’s also sad to see @MJayRosenberg aligning himself with anti-Semites by labeling anti-Zionism as Jew-hatred. — Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
Reminder: Anti-Semites want us to accept their Jew-hatred as anti-Zionism, and Zionists want to claim that our anti-Zionism is Jew-hatred. — Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
So the teams of hasbarists scouring my timeline and writings are very frustrated that they can’t make the smear that I’m a racist stick.
— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
There are literally hundreds of YouTubes of me speaking. Fanatical Zionists can’t find one to support their smears.
— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 13, 2013
Meanwhile, things have gone from bad to worse for him. Fellow Israel hater Gild Atzmon has this to say:
M.J. Rosenberg is wrong this time; Ali Abunimah is not an antisemite, he is just dishonest/stupid. Abunimah calls Israelis Zionists because he needs the so called Jewish ‘anti’ Zionists to support his operation. The last time i communicated with Ali Abunimah he wrote to me, ‘Just refer to Zionism instead of Jewish identity and everything would be fine’. He basically asked me to lie.. I obviously refused…
What is interesting about Atzmon’s allegation – besides the obvious point about Abunimah’s dishonesty – is how Atzmon still does not think this points to antisemitism. Yet if true, it really does seem to indicate that Abunimah has a problem with Jews, but uses linguistics to try obfuscate it.
Atzmon’s comments cannot be taken at face value, since he and Abunimah seem to hold a great animus towards each other, perhaps caused by the former’s disavowal of what he calls Atzmon’s antisemitism. Plus Atzmon himself is hardly a reliable person.
Nevertheless, I will be grabbing more popcorn and awaiting Abunimah’s response.