WARNING: Photos shared here from the Facebook page, Death to Israel, are graphic.
The number of anti-Semitic pages on Facebook brings to mind the population explosion, or perhaps guppies. These pages are WAY out of control. But the worst thing about them is that they don’t violate Facebook’s Community Standards.

These standards have been crafted with care so as to purposefully exclude anti-Semitism as an offense. You can see this the minute you attempt to fill out a report form. None of the categories quite fit, even though these offensive pages proliferate like guppies. (Oh, I already said that? Make it RABBITS, then. Or perhaps radical Muslims.) That makes it a foregone conclusion that Facebook will find that the page in question does not, in fact, violate its Community Standards.
Because Facebook has no Community Standards. It’s a joke. A myth.

In March, I blogged about an offensive Facebook page called Sooks, Nooks, and Hoses that Facebook refused to remove. I called that blog, Zuckerberg Lax Standards because it seemed to me that if Facebook says these anti-Semitic pages do not violate its Community Standards, then it has none. Unfortunately, nothing much has changed since that time. That one page was taken down. Others have taken its place.
Some friends have made the argument that there is no point in trying to get these pages taken down because all it does is drive the sentiment underground. They say it is better to know what our enemies think and feel. But this point of view fails to take into account the issue of incitement and its results.
Take, for example, the Facebook page entitled Death to Israel. The page is mainly a gallery of bloody crying babies and still gray babies. Arab babies. The accompanying text and photo titles suggest a connection between Israel and these mortally wounded and dead babies, though dollars to donuts these photos come from SYRIA.
That’s how they roll, the anti-Israel crowd. They don’t mind stooping really low to spread their hate-filled propaganda. And it works. People see those photos. They see a caption suggesting that Israel done these deeds and they jump on the Death to Israel bandwagon.
It makes them feel self-righteous, their hate. It makes them feel like they exist for a purpose. It’s exciting. It’s a THRILL.
Every photo of a dead baby on that page feeds their hate, stokes the fire of their testosterone; makes them less ashamed of their outright hatred for the Jews. Sometimes they even forget to call them
“Israelis.” That’s what happened to Tim Willcox, don’t you know.
And this is how Facebook weasels out of taking down that page. The name of the page doesn’t say “Jews.” It says “Israel.” Also, the page doesn’t talk about killing anyone. It’s just pro-DEATH.
Furthermore, it is everybody’s right to post pix of dead babies. Because yeah. That’s what normal people do. And if someone sees a photo of a dead baby on a page that says Death to Israel and goes out and kills some Jews in HyperCacher in advance of the Jewish Sabbath, that’s no skin off Facebook’s teeth, right?
Nothing to do with those photos or the name of that page. Get it?
Let’s stipulate for a moment that these photos are of babies killed during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza this past summer. Should Israel really be held responsible for the fact that the Gazan people elected a terror organization as its government? Should Israel be held to account for the fact that Hamas used babies as human shields so they could put up pix like this on Facebook to incite terror against the Jews?
Yes. Babies died. Because of HAMAS. Because Hamas wants to destroy Israel and take the Jews’ indigenous land. Hamas wants to annihilate the Jews. And if it takes photos of dead Arab babies to enlist more hateful wannabe terrorists to its blood-drenched cause then damnit, they will post an unlimited number of such photos and create an unlimited number of hate-filled Facebook pages.
And Mark Zuckerberg will be too afraid or too callous to say no. Just as the French did not say no after Miriam Monsonego was killed. If the French had said no back then, just imagine! There would have been no need for signs, rallies, or funerals last week.
France didn’t say no after Toulouse. After a little girl was grabbed by her blonde ponytail and shot point blank in the head. And France is not saying no now, either. France is still too worried about being labeled Islamophobic or angering its Muslim population/constituency to actually do anything to root out terror and anti-Semitism.
And now Belgian Jews are asking for guns. Because there will be copycat murders all over Europe, God forbid.
Let me be clear here: “Death to Israel” is incitement to kill JEWS. It is incitement to terror and anti-Semitism and violence that is specifically directed against Jews.
Surely Mark Zuckerberg is not so stupid as to imagine that Death to Israel means Death to Israeli Arabs, Druse, or Christians? Willcox forgot to say “Israel” and said the J word. But it wouldn’t have mattered if he had said Israel. We all know exactly what he meant.
And Mark Zuckerberg knows what Death to Israel means, too. And he knows that when people look at this page and share content from it, this feeds the hatred of Jihadist terrorists around the world, who will now go out and seek to take revenge for these dead baby photos that are probably of Syrian babies or Hamas human shields. These people will go out and kill Jewish cartoonists and Jews buying kosher food, and little blond Jewish girls at school.
And make no mistake. When this happens, Mark Zuckberg will bear some of the onus for this crime against his own people. And so will France and so will Islam, for allowing this sort of incitement to grow and proliferate. And so will we if we don’t continue to report these hate pages no matter how many times Facebook responds by admitting its lack of standards, by admitting it cares not a whit when it comes to incitement against the Jews, its complete unconcern over any call to kill the people of Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg.