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My husband and I went out to do some early Shabbat shopping last night and oh, oops! When we got to our local branch of the Rami Levy supermarket chain, this one in Gush Etzion, the Etzion Bloc in Judea, where we live, there were a gazillion people milling about the parking lot. Most of them were Arabs and that’s when my husband Dov smacked his head and said, “Oh, RIGHT. It’s “Erev” Ramadan. They’re all getting ready for the holiday.”

He let me out to get a shopping cart and get started shopping while he parked. I went all over the parking lot trying to find a cart and none were to be had. That’s how crowded it was.

At checkout, we had a long wait so I took out my phone and took a little clip, just turning around in a circle. I shared it last night on Facebook when I got home and for some reason this clip is just getting shared like crazy. As of this posting it has 1,560 views.

It’s not a great film or anything, it just shows that there is no Apartheid in Israel: that Jews and Arabs alike can both shop in JEWISH stores (if not in Arab stores). You can hear people speaking Hebrew and people speaking Arabic. You can see men with yarmulkes and women in hijabs and burkas.

This is the truth, People.  This is the real deal in a very amateurish, raw film clip.


About the author

Picture of Varda Epstein

Varda Epstein

A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook in between raising her 12 children and writing about education as the communications writer at Kars for Kids a Guidestar gold medal charity.
Picture of Varda Epstein

Varda Epstein

A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook in between raising her 12 children and writing about education as the communications writer at Kars for Kids a Guidestar gold medal charity.
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