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WATCH: Michael Oren On “Ally” At Politics And Prose

Hat tip to my ever faithful reader and great friend of Israel, Herb Glatter, for drawing my attention to this clip.

Michael Oren and I have major political disagreements (on settlements and on the two-state solution–he’s against the first and for the second, and I’m for the first and against the second), and yet, no one can argue his brilliance, his niceness, and his genuine love of both his countries. Now he’s written a controversial book describing the schism between the Obama Administration and Israel, Ally. Hear Oren lay out his case at the trendy Politics and Prose bookshop, a cultural hub in Washington, DC.  He’s witty, charming, and persuasive. Not a bad combination at all.

About the author

Picture of Varda Epstein

Varda Epstein

A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook in between raising her 12 children and writing about education as the communications writer at Kars for Kids a Guidestar gold medal charity.
Picture of Varda Epstein

Varda Epstein

A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook in between raising her 12 children and writing about education as the communications writer at Kars for Kids a Guidestar gold medal charity.
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