My mind is enslaved. All of ours are.
All the diaspora Jews who feel forced to shut their mouths instead of say what they really believe.
G-d forbid we appear ungrateful to the protection and livelihood our generous diaspora hosts are offering us.
If we call out the Palestinians for their lies, we appear callous, completely lacking compassion for their suffering that the world thinks we are the cause of.
We have become enslaved by political correctness. Our vocabulary policed, our minds by extension. Walking on eggshells, proving our loyalty is not duplicitous, proving we don’t value the survival of the state of Israel over peace and civil rights back home.
To appear open-minded, we falter:
There was never a Palestinian State? That’s racist! How dare you? #NotInMyName
How dare we deny their lived experiences and automatically claim ours are right and theirs are wrong? And we accuse them of tribalism? Who do we think we are?
After all, it’s their narrative against ours. Both are equally valid.
Telling the truth? No, we’re just being biased. We need to show our diaspora hosts we are not biased by legitimizing the bogus arguments of the other side.
How dare we call them bogus? How would you feel if someone knocked on your door and said, okay, now we are sharing this house? This is how they see it, so can you blame the other side for chanting, “From the river to the sea”?
“The Other Side”? This isn’t us versus them! If we want to make peace we have to drop that mentality! We are all human beings, we all suffer!
But you have to think critically about your Zionism and its impact. Otherwise you’re just a brainwashed Jew. We cannot deny that millions have been oppressed in order for the Jewish State to exist.
If we do deny it, if we do tell the truth, everyone will think we are Jewish supremacist jerks, like our lives matter more than theirs do.
#JewishLivesMatter #PalestinianLivesAlsoMatterMore
Heaven forbid someone thinks we are entitled.
We have to work all the more against the current to not appear entitled. After all, we are “The Chosen People,” If that’s not entitled I don’t know what is.
We are the chosen people. This means we think we are better than everyone. Or at least that’s what our diaspora hosts think we believe.
Hosts. Because that’s what they are. We are strangers in a strange land, guests under a ruling class, no matter how much of our host country our hosts think we own / stole from them.
Stole from them… well isn’t that a common accusation?
Nothing can be rightfully ours, or earned by us. Everything we have must be “stolen.” Including our very own land that we cultivated ourselves continuously over the last 3800 years, seized by colonial rulers. The land that bore the genesis of our culture.
We can love Israel but find problematic the circumstances under which it stands. And we must criticize it, lest we appear to value the “colonial” ambitions of our own people over “basic human rights and ethics.”
We give a platform to the “Other Side” – Yes, I am using “Other Side”, because the Other Side wants Us destroyed, so indeed it is Us vs. Them since they want to annihilate “Us” – to state their case, and we gently listen respectfully because we are expected to. No such standards are expected of “Them.”
We feel compelled to throw our own people under a bus should they step out of line, lest our diaspora hosts feel that one rotten apple shall spoil the bunch.
So before I can stand before my people, stand before the heads of state and chant Let My People Go, I need to make my people aware that they are enslaved in the first place.
Enslaved as doctors, enslaved as lawyers, enslaved as engineers, enslaved as rabbis, as cashiers, as musicians, as coffeeshop owners. Enslaved in Beverly Hills Mansions and in the Projects up in the South Bronx.
We are enslaved in our minds. Political Correctness is our master, and it has turned on us.
Suddenly it’s okay to be openly antisemitic. Because of the Zionists.
Suddenly we find ourselves having to explain ourselves, to excuse our Zionism, caught in the Social Justice guilt trip that has swept the nation, led by the Barack Obamas and the Jeremy Corbyns of the world. Swept under the tide of expected self-criticism, required to accept a place in diaspora society, to be viewed as sufficiently loyal to be deemed worthy of company and acknowledgement as a decent human being. Swept away by the constant requirement to prove our kindness and magnanimity by condemning our own people, whose motives are washed away as wrong and inconsequential by the biased narrative. Because the Jews are always wrong, greedy bastards that we are, and we must accept it. If we do accept it, if we do chant #NotInMyName, then we are “Good Jews,” praised for our loyalty to the state over our loyalty to the Jewish Nation, and safe from harm. Whoever the enemy of the Jews is, is always right because they must necessarily be abused and oppressed and usurped by the evil greedy Jewish bastards. It’s what we do after all.
Snap. You’ve internalized the antisemitism around you. It has enslaved you.
It has enslaved us.
We need a Moses to take our minds back to the land of Israel where they can be free.
Free of the pressure to conform, the pressure to self-flagellate, the pressure of opposing numbers, the pressure to succumb.
Why haven’t we stopped to think why we are the only ones who don’t deserve our own state? Especially when the very state we are on (or its colonies) is stolen but nobody bats an eye.
You Jews need to know your place, our diaspora hosts tell us telepathically, you need us.
No. I don’t need you. I refuse to need you. I have Israel.
We need nothing but ourselves. Our intelligence. Our hearts. Our resourcefulness. Our unity. Our strength. Our Land.
We need a Moses.
Let our people go.