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Let’s talk about “Status Quo”.

In 1967, Israel took back its holiest city from Jordan’s illegal occupation ending a 19 year gap in which Jews could not even visit the most sacred site in Judaism.

…Even though we took it back in a completely legal manner resulting from a defensive war.

…Even though the 19 years it was in Jordanian hands was universally considered illegal.

…Even though we’re talking about 19 out of the 3,000 years of Jerusalem’s existence.

We accepted a deal with the Jordanians that let them control our most holiest site. Why? Because we can’t have people running around killing Jews at random. It doesn’t mean the Arabs were right. It was the only thing that made them calm down. It was the only way we could achieve peace with Jordan. We prefered to say “OK fine, take it” than have more murdered Israelis.

Now the exact same rumours that ignited the Hebron massacre in 1929 are being spread in 2015. Even though Israel has always taken extreme measures to preserve the sanctity, the antiquity and the respect of every holy site in this country and wishes to allow freedom of worship for all.

Now, let’s see how the “status quo” of Judaism’s most important and holy sites has been doing in the LAST WEEK ALONE.

Joseph’s Tomb

Traditional burial site of Judaism’s most important figures.

Status: “Caught” Fire


josephs tomb alight

Cave Of The Patriarchs

Traditional burial site of Judaism’s founding fathers.

Status: “Given away” to “Palestine” by UNESCO.

Rachel’s Tomb

Burial site of matriarch of Judaism, Rachel.

Status: Also given away to Palestine by UNESCO in the same resolution.

The Kotel (Western Wall)

The freaking Kotel. Does this need more explanation?

Status: Nearly handed over to “Palestine” by UNESCO as a Muslim site before a last minute condemnation by the head UNESCO.

The Temple Mount

The uncontested site of Solomon’s temple, Herod’s temple and the resting place of the Holy of Holies. Abraham took his kid there for a father-son picnic and Joseph had a nap there. Most revered site in all of Judaism.

Status: Um. Read the news lately?

Revising History Again and Again

So wait. We don’t get a status quo? Palestinians are getting a free pass with the world media and the UN because of a 100 year old rumour? We, despite the difficulty of knowing they’re wrong, try to uphold the status quo just so they won’t kill us, and then they can freely go to the UN, take advantage of the Arab voting power, and change history as they see fit? Do they think we like this “status quo”? We can’t even let Jews move their lips on the Temple Mount because they’ll throw a hissy fit.

There was an episode of The Simpsons where Bart had omnipotent powers and used them to punish people when he didn’t get his way. In one scene, American history was revised to correspond to the answers on his history test. This is the Twilight Zone we live in.

Here is a pamphlet from 1924 published by the Supreme Muslim Council in which it clearly states the Mount’s connection to Judaism is “beyond dispute”. Will they say the same thing today?

arab pamphlet 1924

Article 24 of the 1964 PLO Charter stated, “This Organization does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or the Himmah Area.” and now they claim that a country by the name of “Palestine” existed all along and demands sovereignty over these exact locations.

Ancient cities that housed Jews for 3,000 uninterrupted years including Gaza, Shchem, Jericho, Beit Lechem and Hebron are completely emptied of Jews.  There is a constant and well-funded effort to erase all traces of Judaism from these places, and now from the Temple Mount itself just as the Romans did in 70 CE. Just look at Hanin Zoabi’s disturbing remarks.

History is being changed here. UN doesn’t care. And we’re the ones accused of breaching the “status quo”.

Who knew 19 years would change 3,000 retroactively.



About the author

Picture of Deebo


I'm a Canadian Israeli, Aliyah Class of '10. You may know me as tweeter @notantisemitic but here I'll tickle your Zionist bone in other ways.
Picture of Deebo


I'm a Canadian Israeli, Aliyah Class of '10. You may know me as tweeter @notantisemitic but here I'll tickle your Zionist bone in other ways.
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