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WATCH: Yehudah Glick’s, “A Jerusalem Hug From Heaven”

They tried to kill Yehudah Glick, because he was brave enough to visit a holy place and pray there. But he didn’t die. And there’s a reason for that.

This film clip, “A Jerusalem Hug from Heaven,” details that reason and the multiple miracles that prevented the assassination attempt against Glick from succeeding.

From the film:

Yehudah: Very few people, even the senior doctors, thought I had a chance to survive on that night.

Yaffi: It’s been almost a year and I constantly discover how great the miracle was. First the shots. The medical people could explain better than me, there were many close calls. Yehudah got shot literally millimeters near his main artery, or near his main nerve, but nothing neurological was hit. No nerve, all the areas that were hit are curable. A bullet hit his spine but not the spinal cord.

Yehudah, pointing: The liver. A bullet grazed the liver. Yonatan Halevy, the administrator of Shaare Tzedek Hospital told me, “Listen, I showed the CT scan to an intern standing next to me, a total atheist, and he said, ‘I’m going up to the Temple Mount.'”

Amazing …the heart – nothing!

The man shot four bullets here (points to chest), from point blank. What are the chances that the heart won’t get hit?

Are you one of the people who think that Glick is a provocateur? I understand you. But then I watch this clip and I don’t understand you.

Glick wants to rouse Jews to the centrality of the Temple Mount in their narrative as a nation and a holy people. And this makes Arabs angry. By extension, since it makes Arabs angry, it makes the entire world angry at the Jews. Angry enough that they excuse the Arabs for stabbing elderly Jews in the street; Jews who never stepped foot on the Temple Mount or thought about stepping foot there.

But they were Jewish and that was reason enough.

It’s like the video and Benghazi, you see. The narrative must be protected, cosseted at all cost. Arabs killed an American ambassador because of a video. The ridiculousness of the assertion fools no one.  And yet it fools everyone. It gives people something to say. An escape against the truth.

Because the truth of Benghazi would have branded President Obama a failure. He routed Al Qaeda, he said, and there was an election in the offing. It, Benghazi, could not be about HIM and his failure. So the video became IT.

It was the video. And you can keep your doctor.

By the same token, the Arab war against the Jews must be presented as two kids squabbling in the sandbox. The minute you say, “But an Arab stabbed an innocent 80 year-old woman,” you’ll have someone ready with an excuse to balance things out: “Well, what do you expect them to do when you illegally occupy their land, take away their hope, and they only have knives against your well-established army.”

No. This really doesn’t work. People don’t just go around stabbing 80 year-old women in the streets because life didn’t work out as they’d wished. Mobs don’t murder an ambassador because of an amateur film clip by a private individual. A rapist doesn’t get to rape his victim because she is attractive or wears low-cut clothing.

No one has a right to shoot a man, point blank, four times in the chest, because he prays  in a place Arabs like to pretend belongs only to them. There are no two sides to this issue. If one hundred Jews, or one thousand of them go up to the Temple Mount and pray and Arabs attack them, only one side will be wrong: the side that attempts to injure and murder people for praying at a site they deem holy.

But I understand you if you want to call Rabbi Glick a “provocateur.” If he never went up to the Temple Mount, never prayed there, there would not be all this violence. Or so you think.

Yehudah Glick Praying
Yehudah Glick prays on the Temple Mount and an Arab calls out to a police officer to stop him. Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount?? A criminal offense.

If people left things the way they have been for thousands of years, and didn’t attempt to claim their heritage for themselves, everyone would live happily ever after. Why hit a hornet’s nest with a stick, you think.

And the answer is that we are not hitting a hornet’s nest with a stick, where the only aim is to anger the hornets and provoke a reaction for the sake of some excitement. Because that hornet’s nest is there. And it’s something to DO.


Rabbi Glick provoked nothing. He aroused hearts and minds to the centrality of the Temple Mount as a holy place for Jews and in doing so, he brought the Redemption a little bit closer, and this is the reason that so much evil has risen up to meet the Jewish people. Islam, you see, was supposed to replace Judaism, as was Christianity before it.

But the stubborn Jews, Jews like Yehudah Glick, just won’t get the message. They insist on their rights as a people, on their right to believe in one God, the same God they’ve been worshiping since Abraham smashed his father’s idols. And you cannot stop this.

From the film:

Interviewee: Am Yisrael’s yearning for the Temple Mount is on the rise. I see it all over the net. More and more people are becoming interested. So Am Yisrael is going through a process that can’t be stopped. I think this assassination attempt sped up the process significantly. Towards the Geula, towards Temple Mount, towards everything.

Yehudah: And not only did God lift me and hug me, a divine hug in Jerusalem.

The Jews themselves are the provocation, you see. Especially when their fortune is ascendant. That Jews exist will always be a provocation, as their existence sucks the wind out of all the replacement theologies created to supplant that of the Jews.

But Jews are just too stubborn. A stiff-necked people that won’t get the message. And we persist and exist like a thumb in their eyes.

That’s why they stab us. That’s why they drive their cars over us and shoot us in front of our small children.

We live in a world where even a dead Jew doesn’t deserve space under God’s earth, doesn’t deserve to rest.

And when the Jews rise up to claim their heritage,  Tzion, the forces of evil rise up against them, and the world calls it fair.

It means we’re winning. And we mustn’t stop while we’re ahead.

h/t Sara Abergel for sharing the film with me.

About the author

Picture of Varda Epstein

Varda Epstein

A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook in between raising her 12 children and writing about education as the communications writer at Kars for Kids a Guidestar gold medal charity.
Picture of Varda Epstein

Varda Epstein

A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook in between raising her 12 children and writing about education as the communications writer at Kars for Kids a Guidestar gold medal charity.
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