In an article entitled Five things we learned at Eurovision 2018, the Guardian is actually positive about Netta’s victory.
But they can’t quite shake their tendency to be The Guardian.
Nope. Jerusalem. Get used to it!
Update: Honest Reporting also covered this, and they elicited a nice apology from the writer of this piece!
It was a throwaway comment on an article written in the early hours of the morning. I've spent a week in Lisbon with a huge group of LGBT friends who would LOVE it to be in Tel Aviv. It was not political or a prediction.
— Heidi Stephens (@heidistephens) May 13, 2018
If I caused offence or it was taken as some kind of snub, it was not my intention. I'm sorry.
— Heidi Stephens (@heidistephens) May 13, 2018
Thank you for accepting my apology. Can't wait to visit Israel next year, will be my first time.
— Heidi Stephens (@heidistephens) May 13, 2018
I would like to see Heidi correct that sentence, though.