As the IDF operation in Jenin to crack down on the hotbed of terror in the city has ended, here’s a clip of Jenin Governor Gen. Akram Rajoub last month telling the Hamas-affiliated Quds News Network about his opposition to Hamas having weapons.
Not because he is against weapons being used against the Jews (he’s not, and believes those who do so should be rewarded), but rather that it might come back to bite Fatah (his party) on the tuchus.
Note how he accuses Hamas of abandoning Islamic Jihad during a recent conflict. It is a local wing of the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror known as the Jenin Battalion that has been the main focus of our Jenin operation, although there are also fighters funded by Hamas there as well.
With a governor like this, it is no wonder Jenin has prospered as a terror hotbed until now.