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Where Is The “Palestinian Aliyah” Movement?

As Israel’s 60th anniversary passes, and the news media goes out of its way to contrast the past sixty years from the Israeli and Palestinian Arab perspectives, one question not being asked is: where is the ideological core of Palestinian Arab nationhood?

From following articles by Palestinian Arabs in the West decrying Israeli “crimes” and pretending to yearn for their land, one is struck by a simple fact: most if not all of them live, quite comfortably, outside “Palestine.” From universities in the US and the UK they rail about “justice” and the suffering of their people – but none of them seem to want to actually move to “Palestine.”

It’s not like it is so hard. Even if Israel limits immigration, there is no shortage of ways to get in from Jordan. Tens of thousands of opportunistic Jordanians did exactly that during the early Oslo years as it appeared that the economy in the West Bank was poised to leapfrog Jordan’s.

It is instructive to compare the early ideological Zionists, many of whom of whom risked their lives for a very uncertain future in Palestine (even before Herzl), and today’s “settlers” who do the same, with today’s ideological Palestinian Arab nationalists who are quite happy to pontificate from afar.

The lives of the early Zionists were no more secure in Palestine than in the West. It was far from clear that they would be able to build a homeland successfully. Yet they sacrificed themselves for an idea that they believed strongly in.

Similarly, there are hundreds of thousands of Jews – today’s pioneers – who choose to live across the Green Line. They build schools, clinics, farms, against the wishes of not only the Arab world but most of the West and sometimes even their own government. Yet they choose to stay, and more choose to move there. Even if you disagree with them you must admit that they have a strong ideological core that makes them want to move there.

But where are the Palestinian Arabs who grew up in the West? They stay in the West. The ideology of “return” is great to talk about, but not so important to live.

Palestinian Arabs have hijacked the terminology of the Jews (“Diaspora,” for example) but they have always suffered from a black hole at the center of their ideology: their most passionate nationalists were either terrorists or lived outside Palestine altogether, with no desire to build the land.

Of course they applaud and encourage the miserable Palestinian Arabs who live in the Middle East to have lots of children so the next generation will be even more miserable. They are in the forefront of screaming “Zionism=Nazi” in left-wing rags. But they simply do not put their money where their mouths are.

Because they really don’t care nearly as much about a Palestinian Arab state as they do about the destruction of a Jewish state.

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Picture of Elder of Ziyon

Elder of Ziyon

Elder of Ziyon may or may not be a real person. He (or she, or it) blogs at
Picture of Elder of Ziyon

Elder of Ziyon

Elder of Ziyon may or may not be a real person. He (or she, or it) blogs at
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