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What Others Say About Us

“The King of Hasbara” – Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem

“Well done and special thanks. Keep doing great job!” – Danny Ayalon, former Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister and Israeli Ambassador to US

“thank u 4 ur consciousness commitment & character.” Roseanne Barr

“Keep putting the truth out there!!!!!” – Jenna Jameson

“YOU ARE SOMETHING ELSE BROTHER” – David Draiman, lead singer of Disturbed

“Seriously one of the best bloggers on twitter!” – Sarah Idan, former Miss Iraq

“The persistence of a Pit Bull and the heart of a Golden Retriever.” – The Jew Function podcast

“It is said that we stand on the shoulders of giants, and Israellycool is truly a giant for Israel and Jewish advocacy” – Former Syrian refugee Aboud Dandachi

“The Israeli-Aussie version of Jon Stewart!” – Sabre Fencer

“The awesome website Isreallycool, which if you don’t follow make sure you do” – Kasim Hafeez

“You do have a very unique sense of humor and are certainly not the norm, regular mortals should not try to copy you” – Real Jerusalem Streets

“I could listen to him alllll day!” – Celestial Blue

“He single-handedly does the best job of knocking down Israel haters online that I’ve ever seen” – Israelplug

“Funniest blog I’ve ever read!” – 장누가/Jang Nu-ga

“..a decade of entertaining, informing, explaining, and kicking ass all over cyberspace, righteously” – Tzvi Zucker

“The father of Israeli blogging” – Carl in Jerusalem

“..expertly analyzes international media reactions to the news in Israel” – Maya Norton, Global Voices

“Snarky humor, funny photo comparisons, and frustrations with the geopolitical neighborhood all clash for a lovely symphony of madness.” – Laurence Simon

“..wise and passionate..” – Political Vindication Radio

“He can turn a very serious and possibly depressing piece of news and make it entertainment. That is talent, and that is why I love to read his blog.” – Culture For All

“This guy is so funny but that’s only because everything he says is the TRUTH” – Chava Ayanna

“Your blog and work along with are doing more to expose antisemitism than any org I know” – Ambrosin Shitrit

“..magnificent Aussie bastard” – Zionist Shark

“I really enjoy the blog and contributors~often gives me laugh and some serious insight at the same time” – Greentamarind

“Israellycool is one of a few excellent blogs digging into stories, giving context to the news as reported and shining a light on slanted and biased journalistic agendas” –Michael Dickson, StandWithUs

“Love him or hate him David Lange, founder of popular pro-Israel website “IsraellyCool” is one interesting character” – Joe Yudin, Touring Israel

“Darnit, Aussie Dave, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore” – Brett Greenberg

“You’re definitely right-wing to me, but lovable nonetheless” – Jim from Iowa

“An obscure extremist website” – Roger Waters

“..a racist site” – rapper Talib Kweli Greene

“IsraellyCool is not a reliable source for anything but Islamophobia. Hasbara.” – former CNN journalist Jim Clancy

“..right-wing blogger” – Ben Ehrenreich, NY Times

“If I would report as cynical as @israellycool does, I would be hanged in the Netherlands.” – Roel Geeraedts, Middle East Correspondent

“..prominent blog which has close ties to the Israeli army and functions as an outlet for its anti-Palestinian propaganda” – Ali Abuminah, The Electronic Intifada

“..the notorious, which gently skips between right-wing rants against Islam, posts about science fiction and – what else? – blogs about the Eurovision song contest.” – Tim Jonze, The Guardian

“..the liar & moral pygmy who writes Israellycool & makes feeble attempts to ridicule my views” – Dick Silverstein

“Posting from Israelly cool is like posting from Der Sturmer. “Probably the most infamous was ‘Der Stűrmer’ by the anti-Semite Julius Streicher who claimed that ‘Der Stűrmer’ was Hitler’s favourite read. However, Goebbels viewed the newspaper as little more than a ‘daily rag’ and believed that it was more likely to harm the regime than present it in its best light such was the paucity of its contents that occasionally bordered on the pornographic.” Good old Aussie dan fits the definition perfectly” – Greta Berlin

“..the website (which I guess means “Israel is really cool”)” – David Duke’s Website

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