Iranian Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi has his own English language weblog. It is an interesting read, mainly due to his (or his translator’s) highly original use of English. Here are some of the more perplexing quotes:
“I married Mrs. Fahimeh Moussavi-nejad in 1980. We have three issues. They are all girls ñ Faezeh, Fatemeh and Farideh. I am happy with my marital life and have no complaint whatsoever.”
“The white beard of Santa Klaus has become red as his dress and cries for Bam.”
“Would it come true that the humans do not commit any crime and as a result no more prisoners be there? And no one wait others?”
“Of course among all these bad news of the year 2003, sweet news parades nicely. That is Saddamís fall down and his disastrous capture.”
“Anyway itís the New Year, I wish success for all Christians around the world specially Iranian Christians. Wish they be green as a pine tree and their hearts be white as snow.”
I won’t be blogrolling him just yet.