Still on the subject of the Jerusalem bombing, Jerusalem News Wire reports that Egypt’s largest government-controlled newspaper has justified the attack.
One day after a Palestinian jihadist bomber took the lives of 11 Israelis and wounded scores more, Egypt’s largest government-controlled newspaper, Al Akhbar, published an editorial characterizing the attack as “an eye for an eye.”
The massacre was a legitimate response to an IDF operation on the outskirts of Gaza City a day earlier, the paper said. Up to 13 Palestinians were killed in that operation, most of them armed terrorist gunmen who engaged the Israeli troops.
The raid was launched in response to ongoing mortar and sniping attacks against nearby Jewish communities.
Friday’s article, penned by Al Akhbar editor Jalal Daweidar, referred to those slaughtered in the downtown Jerusalem attack as “occupiers.” This despite the fact the bombing took place in western Jerusalem, an area ostensibly recognized by the international community as being legitimately under Israel’s control.
Dawidar is a close confidant of Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak.
The Egyptian government did not condemn the Jerusalem bombing.
With “friends” like these, who needs enemies?