The always-on-the-ball Tim Blair has drawn to our attention the vile stench that is Adelaide academic Gary Sauer-Thompson’s blog.
Sour-Thompson thinks that the infamous David Brown cartoon of Ariel Sharon biting the head off a child is one example of political cartoons that “best convey the politically unsayable through graphic images”, and shows “just how powerful images are in political argument.”
Sour-Thompson also has this to say in his comments:
If you read the Dave Brown cartoon critically, then you would interpret it as addressing Likund as a political party and its policies–eg, ethnic cleansing and the dreams of a greater Israel.
A political party (Likund) does not equal a people, a nation or a state.
To assume that it does is to pretend that there are no other Israeli voices that are critical of Likund; or have a different conception the Israeli nation-state to Likund’s ethnically cleansed Israel.
Besides not even knowing how to spell “Likud”, Sour-Thompson displays an ignorance of Likud’s policies. I have challenged him to provide evidence to substantiate his claims of ethnic cleansing, but I have low expectations.
It is interesting, though, that he doesn’t seem to have a problem with the very manifest PLO Arab policies of ethnic cleansing and greater Palestine.