It’s official: Bigfoot was a hoax.
Thirty-six years after the fact, Bob Heironimus’ conscience finally caught up with him: He confessed to having donned a gorilla costume and appearing in the famous 1967 footage of Bigfoot.
“It’s time people knew it was a hoax,” Heironimus told the Washington Post.
For decades, the grainy film clip has fueled study and speculation about the existence of a large mysterious creature in the Pacific Northwest.
“It’s time to let this thing go,” he told the paper. “I’ve been burdened with this for 36 years, seeing the film clip on TV numerous times. Somebody’s making lots of money off this, except for me. But that’s not the issue ñ the issue is that it’s time to finally let people know the truth.”
Meanwhile, PLO Arab official Saeb Erekat has stated that Bigfoot does, in fact exist, dismissing the new evidence as “lies” and “fabrications.”