Bruce from PETA has sent me yet another email regarding kosher slaughterhouses, despite having not yet replied to my own email to him. Talk about chutzpah.
Does he not know who he is dealing with here? Does he honestly think I am one day going to wake up and say “You know what? I was wrong about PETA. They are so nice and care so deeply for all living things. G-d bless them!”
Not bloody likely.
If all of my readers write to Bruce ([email protected]), and ask why PETA care more about animals than humans (see my email to him if you need inspiration), chances are he will stop sending me (and I assume others) junk mail.
You just don’t mess with bloggers.
Update: Yesterday, 20-year-old IDF Staff Sergeant Nadav Kudinsky was killed, along with his bomb-sniffing dog, when a bomb planted by PLO Arab terrorists exploded. I am still waiting for PETA’s condemnation of the act, and regret over the dog’s death.