Old hook-hand is having trouble walking.
Abu Hamza, the radical Muslim cleric, refused to appear on a video link to the Old Bailey today, complaining that he could not walk because his toenails were too long.
Looks like Harry has been slacking off. Harry, get over there now!
Someone who is not slacking off is Hook’s lawyer. He clearly has a sense of humor:
Mr Hamza’s defence counsel, Paul Hynes, said: “He has been perambulating around the prison barefoot for the last couple of days. It is a long-standing problem.”
I bet. You try standing for even a few minutes with excessively long toenails.
Of course, long toenails is the least of Hook’s problems.
Mr Hamza has tried but failed to get bail on grounds of deteriorating health. He wears a hook on one arm, has one eye and suffers from diabetes and a skin complaint.
And he’s a murderous a***hole.