Pakistani newspaper The Post has an interview with Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom. While the entire interview is worth reading, I found it particularly interesting that the main point stressed in the headline was as follows:
Exclusive interview:Israel does not have nuclear weapons: Shalom
Which seems odd, since Israel has always maintained ambiguity about whether or not she possesses nuclear weapons. Why would Shalom now admit to Israel not possessing them?
But a more careful look at Shalom’s actual words indicates that Israel’s nuclear ambiguity is alive and well.
The Post: It is believed that Israel has more than 200 nuclear weapons. How do you comment on that?Shalom: Let me make it very clear that Israel will not be the first to bring any kind of nuclear weapons to the region. Israel is not dealing in that. Israel will never be the first to bring non-conventional weapons to the region.
This is no different from what Israel has been saying for a while.