One thing that anti-Zionist Jews hate is being called a self-hating Jew. And in many cases it is probably an unfair characterization.
However, Australian journalist-blogger Antony Loewenstein is just that – a self-hating Jew. But don’t take it from me. Take it from Loewenstein himself. This is how he described pro-Zionist Jewish comedian Austen Tayshus, against whom he debated about Zionism:
My debating opponent, “comedian” Austen Tayshus, preferred the tactics of bullying and arrogance. Tayshus served a useful purpose in exemplifying the ugly bigotry of the mainstream Jewish community. On the other hand, sadly, it reinforced very unfavourable opinions that have been created in the wider community – through the 2003 Hanan Ashrawi affair – of the intolerance of many Jews towards dissenting opinions and Palestinian voices of reason. Jews are often their own worst enemies. It also might help if Tayshus didn’t look so much like those awful caricatures we know from the 1930s!
There’s a person comfortable with their Jewishness! In any event, newsflash to Loewenstein: Hitler wouldn’t have left you alone either (regardless of how many earrings you stick in your upper ear).
By the way, I have met Austen Tayshus in real life, on a number of occasions. If I recall correctly, he is taller than me (I am 6″2), and cuts a rather imposing figure. I agree with Tim: that would have made for some great television.