Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly, Australia’s cat-loving, rape-supporting Mufti, may be stripped of his title, according to
TAJ al-Din al-Hilaly is set to be stripped of his title of mufti on the grounds that Australia’s 300,000 Muslims do not need a national leader.
The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, which appoints the mufti, will vote to abolish the position at coming elections.
AFIC spokesman Haset Sali said yesterday that the new executive board, expected to be elected in February, would work to remove the position of mufti from the council’s constitution because it was not relevant to Australian society.Mr Sali said Australia did not need a mufti, nor was there anyone qualified to fit that post.
“I don’t believe Australia needs a mufti,” Mr Sali told The Australian.“It needs a mufti like a hole in the head.
And the mufti is indeed an a-hole.
Mr Sali said he was one of only a few people on the council who had voted against Sheik Hilaly’s appointment to the post of mufti in 1989, because he believed that the Egyptian-born cleric’s views were in conflict with Australian values.
He said he would work with other AFIC executives to ensure that the position of mufti was struck off the council’s constitution.
“If I have anything to do with it, I think it will be (abolished) because I don’t think there is a person in Australia at the present time who could fulfil that position in a positive and constructive manner,” he said.
The Australian last week exposed Sheik Hilaly’s Ramadan sermon last month in which he likened immodestly dressed women to “meat” that attracted voracious predators.
Mr Sali said Sheik Hilaly was no longer “officially” the mufti because he resigned in July after The Australian revealed that the council could no longer pay his $40,000 yearly clerical allowance. “Since then he has not been reappointed and he is certainly not a paid employee of AFIC,” Mr Sali said.
Mr Sali said Sheik Hilaly’s ignorance of Australian values and lack of English language skills had been his downfall.
But somehow I believe an awareness of Australian values, and ability to communicate in English, would not have stopped Catweazle from sprouting his terror-supporting filth.
Taj Din al-Hilali has praised militant jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling them men of the highest order for fighting against coalition forces – which include Australian soldiers – to “liberate” their homelands.
In an interview on Arabic radio two weeks ago, the imam based at Sydney’s Lakemba mosque said he was opposed to terror attacks in Madrid, London and New York but strongly endorsed fighters in the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Afghanistan.
In the interview, Sheik Hilali pays tribute to Sayyid Qutb, the ideologue of the Muslim Brotherhood and intellectual mentor of Osama bin Laden and al-Qa’ida.
“Jihad of the liberator of Palestine, that’s the greatest and cleanest and highest … jihad which lifts our heads in pride in south Lebanon,” Sheik Hilali says in the October 17 interview.
He tells broadcaster Abrahim Zoabi that he endorses jihad for liberation. “We are talking about … jihad of liberating our land, jihad of Muslim Afghanis in their land – that’s jihad.
“Jihad of Iraqi Muslims is jihad, but not when Sunnis and Shias are killing each other – that’s not jihad.”
Sheik Ibrahim El-Shafie said yesterday Sheik Hilali was a follower of the Egyptian Islamic scholar Qutb, one of the founding fathers of modern jihad, whose teachings are used by al-Qa’ida and Jemaah Islamiah.
In the radio interview, Sheik Hilali says Qutb interpreted the Koran in the “finest manner”. “Sayyid Qutb is an intellectual man … who gave up his soul in 66 for Islam.”
Sheik Shafie told The Australian that since arriving in Australia in 1982, Sheik Hilali had defended Qutb’s radical ideology and praised him as a “martyr for Islam” and a “role model”.
“Hilali has since he got here been defending the ideology of Sayyid Qutb,” he said.
Sheik Shafie said Sheik Hilali’s support of Qutb was effectively “encouraging” his followers to espouse and act on the executed scholar’s ideologies.
“And as you know, those responsible for the Bali bombing are so-called JI and (follow) the same ideology as Sayyid Qutb, which Hilali is now defending,” he said.
As the Lebanese Muslim Association, which hosts the Lakemba Mosque, was still divided last night about how to handle the Hilali crisis, Sheik Shafie launched a scathing attack on his fellow Sunni cleric.
Sheik Shafie said Sheik Hilali was an “extremist” who posed as a moderate for political advantage that ultimately gained him Australian citizenship.
“This person is acting like a chameleon,” he told The Australian yesterday. “The chameleon, if it stands on a green spot it turns green. If it stands on a blue spot it turns blue – so he’s camouflaging.
“He might say we condemn such and such, but then, on the other side, when he is with his followers in the mosque, he’ll start … expressing his anti-Western views.”
Update: Israellycool reader Adam has Reuterized a picture in honor of Catweazle’s impending demise.