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Some of those freedom-loving mobs in Egypt’s Tahrir Square apparently also love some loving.

lara loganTOP CBS foreign correspondent Lara Logan suffered a “brutal” sexual assault at the hands of a mob in Egypt while covering the downfall of president Hosni Mubarak, her US network says.

“She and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration. It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into a frenzy,” CBS said in a statement.

“In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew.

“She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers.”

The reporter was a victim of the lawlessness that gripped the country after protests began on January 25.

At least 300 people were killed during the protests, the United Nations has estimated, which were mostly peaceful but also flared into nationwide violence targetting police stations across the country.

Hundreds of people are still missing in Egypt since protests that toppled president Mubarak, the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information said this week, alleging that some are being held by the army.

At least 140 correspondents have been injured or killed since January 30 while covering the unrest in Egypt, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

The incident involving Lara Logan took place on Cairo’s central Tahrir Square last Friday, the day Mubarak stepped down, CBS said.

Logan was flown to the United States the next day.

“She is currently in the hospital recovering,” the statement said.

So it seems Egypt’s answer to Ron Jeremy may have had a point.

Meanwhile, there’s one other small detail missed by the above reports (hat tip: Shy Guy).

A network source told The Post that her attackers were screaming, “Jew! Jew!” during the assault. And the day before, Logan had told that Egyptian soldiers hassling her and her crew had accused them of “being Israeli spies.” Logan is not Jewish.

Update: Wow.

Left-wing journalist Nir Rosen joked today about the sexual assault of CBS News’ chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan. Logan was assaulted on Friday during celebrations in Cairo that followed Hosni Mubarak’s resignation.

The initial tweet by Rosen stated, “Lara Logan had to outdo Anderson. Where was her buddy McCrystal.” From this tweet he went further, writing that he would have been amused if Anderson Cooper had also been sexually assaulted.

“Yes yes its wrong what happened to her. Of course. I don’t support that. But, it would have been funny if it happened to Anderson too,” wrote Rosen.

The two comments gave way to more. Rosen called Logan a “war monger” and expressed doubt that she was actually assaulted.

“Jesus Christ, at a moment when she is going to become a martyr and glorified we should at least remember her role as a major war monger” wrote Rosen.

“Look, she was probably groped like thousands of other women, which is still wrong, but if it was worse than [sic] I’m sorry.”

Rosen clarified his initial reference to former American commander in Afghanistan Stanley McChrystal, writing that the assault should serve as a reminder of Logan’s “role glorifying war and condemning Rolling Stone’s Hastings while defending McChrystal.”

Then came a quasi-apology by Rosen: “ah fuck it, I apologize for being insensitive, it’s always wrong, that’s obvious, but I’m rolling my eyes at all the attention she will get.”

Then a more sincere apology: “As someone who’s devoted his career to defending victims and supporting justice, I’m very ashamed for my insensitive and offensive comments.”

Rosen is a fellow at the New York University Center on Law and Security and a contributor to numerous publications.

Update: Debbie Schlussel – of whom regular Israellycool readers will know I am not a fan – outdoes her usual creepiness by finding happiness in Logan’s rape:

As I’ve noted before, it bothers me not a lick when mainstream media reporters who keep telling us Muslims and Islam are peaceful get a taste of just how “peaceful” Muslims and Islam really are. In fact, it kinda warms my heart.


Hey, sounds like the threats I get from American Muslims on a regular basis. Now you know what it’s like, Lara.


So sad, too bad, Lara. No one told her to go there. She knew the risks. And she should have known what Islam is all about. Now she knows. Or so we’d hope. But in the case of the media vis-a-vis Islam, that’s a hope that’s generally unanswered.

This never happened to her or any other mainstream media reporter when Mubarak was allowed to treat his country of savages in the only way they can be controlled.

Now that’s all gone. How fitting that Lara Logan was “liberated” by Muslims in Liberation Square while she was gushing over the other part of the “liberation.”

Hope you’re enjoying the revolution, Lara! Alhamdilllullah [praise allah].

Methinks it all stems from Schlussel’s insecurities about her own looks.

How this woman has any kind of following is beyond me.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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