Yesterday Brian of London and Israellycool Dave met, in person, for an Israellycool board meeting and inaugural Israellycool Executive Branch Three Michelin Star gourmet lunch.
Upon further investigation we discovered that the Israellycool Pay Pal account couldn’t stretch to that so we had to pay for our own food: an Apartheid burger at Burger Ranch in the Apartheid town of Occupied Ra’anana. You can see from the very lousy attached photo how much Apartheid was going on at lunch time as you could barely move in the place without bumping into some more Apartheid.
And just to top it off, here is a rather tedious and dull article: West Bank settlement to apply Israeli law to Palestinian workers – Haaretz Daily Newspaper.
The Ma’aleh Adumim municipality came to a precedent-setting agreement with its Palestinian employees last week, whereby it agreed to recognize their rights in accordance with Israeli labor laws. Until now it was the Jordanian Labor Law from 1965 that was applied to the labor arrangements in this Jewish settlement beyond the Green Line, based on the local authority’s legal argument that it is that law that applies in the territories.
Essentially what it means is that people who don’t want to be Israelis, and some of whom actually want to kill Israelis, do want the protection and benefits of Israeli law because the old Jordanian law they were being ruled by isn’t a patch on what those evil Jews have come up with.
We can have one Jewish state and a whole load of people with permanent residence but no right to vote in general elections. Ask any German living in the UK if he has a problem with that status. As long as they cling to the hope of destroying the Jewish state they should never enjoy ALL the benefits of full citizenship.
And please, take your Apartheid accusations and shove them in the deep fat fryer of another Burger Ranch.