Which of course means that the international coalition of Jew haters and those seeking to destroy Israel are going to launch into a protracted period of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
So the same courts that regularly hand down rulings to move Jews off biblically significant and completely empty hills in Judea and Samaria find the IDF did not kill Rachel Corrie. She was accidentally killed by entering deliberately enterining a combat zone and acting recklessly. If she was killed by anyone it was, of course, the terrorist supporting, gun totting ISM who sent her to her death.
Judge Oded Gershon of Haifa District Court ruled today that the death of Rachel Corrie in 2003 was an accident. In a 62 page verdict, the judge stated there was no liability on the part of the Israel Defense Force. He also found there was no fault in the month-long military investigation which the Israeli military undertook immediately following Corrie’s death. The Israel Defense Force has been cleared of responsibility.
The judge found that Corrie was in a closed military zone. Further, he ruled that, based upon the evidence, the driver of the bulldozer, whom the plaintiffs had claimed intentionally or negligently killed Corrie, could not have seen the International Solidarity Movement volunteer before she was struck. Corrie could have saved herself, the judge found, if she had removed herself from the situation.
All claims of negligence against Israel in the death of Rachel Corrie have been dismissed. Corrie’s parents, the plaintiffs in the wrongful death case, will not be charged with court costs.
Of course Twitter has errupted because the little children didn’t get the verdict they wanted.
Fans of UK soap Coronation Street (lovingly known as “Corrie”) will now find it impossible to search Twitter for news about their TV show for days as an outpouring of support for this stupid woman will defame Israel, the IDF and the only free and fair judiciary in the middle east.
If you feel compelled, you can see the reams of material here on Israellycool about this woman here. Can we all go back to real life now? The IDF doesn’t deliberately kill protesters (unlike every Arab country in the region). If they die, it’s nearly always because they did something very, very stupid.