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The 2013 Pew report on American Jewry said that one in every five American Jews self-describes as having no religion (22%). It may be because they have a “ruff” time understanding that the Torah was given to human beings. They certainly are barking up the wrong tree with the phenomenon of the “Bark Mitzvah,” but I guess they feel that every dog has its day. (Hope the dog isn’t dyslexic. He might end up with a Dog complex)

Now some say American Jewry is going to the dogs. In this case, that’s certainly true.

But you never know: Jews have shown a dogged determination to survive as a people.

About the author

Picture of Varda Epstein

Varda Epstein

A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook in between raising her 12 children and writing about education as the communications writer at Kars for Kids a Guidestar gold medal charity.
Picture of Varda Epstein

Varda Epstein

A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook in between raising her 12 children and writing about education as the communications writer at Kars for Kids a Guidestar gold medal charity.
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