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Italian Chef Rubio Cooks Up Some Support for Deceased Terrorist

Speaking of Saeb Erekat, remember when he demanded that Israel release palestinian “prisoner” Kamal Abu Waer, because he had Covid 19?

Waer later recovered from Covid-19, but just died in prison, and Erekat’s PLO has blamed Israel for his death, saying it was medical negligence and “a premeditated crime committed by the Israeli prison service, which was fully aware of the seriousness of his health condition and refused to release him despite many calls made for his immediate release.” Hanan Ashrawi stated “his death is part of the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian detainees, especially those who have serious illnesses and conditions.”

As a reminder, Waer was a bloodthirsty murderer serving 6 life sentences for participating in a number of lethal terror attacks including: the murder of Israeli border policeman Madhat Yousef in a shooting attack at Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus on Oct. 1, 2000; the murder of Rabbi Benjamin Herling in a shooting attack at Mount Eival on Oct. 19, 2000; the shooting and murder of Arnaldo Agranionic, a guard at the town of Itamar, on May 8, 2001; and the murder of 16-year-old in a drive-by shooting near the entrance of Kibbutz Meirav on Aug. 9, 2001.

Rabbi Herling z”l
Madhat Yousef z”l
Aliza Malka z”l

Having PA officials defend a terrorist and blame Israel for his death is perhaps not news by now. But this is:

(hat tip: Michal)

That’s a tweet by Gabriele Rubini, known professionally as Chef Rubio, a former semi-professional Italian rugby player and television presenter, with over 170,000 Twitter followers.

A look at his website shows he’s all in on the Israel hate

Like really

From 1 July 2020 my Instagram , Facebook and Whatsapp accounts are deactivated. I continue my communication and interaction activities on Twitter , soon also on Telegram and here on my website As always, I remain active in physical places, in squares, in rallies where the free circulation of ideas guarantees a democratic and constructive exchange, capable of contradicting disinformation, Zionist / hasbara propaganda, lies, historical revisions and denials, threats, insults, provocations, and hate.

On June 24th, I decided to delete my accounts from all the social apps managed by Mark Zuckerberg who – according to a completely Zionist logic, together with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – controls and censors the circulation of content and information, violating the right to freedom of expression.

For months, without any warning or notification, Instagram has been subjecting my account to soft and devious censorship. It’s called ‘Shadow-ban’, a discretionary silencing that puts in a gray area those who publish content deemed sensitive, which contravenes the terms of use. In my case, the shadow ban was mainly about anti-Zionist and anti-occupation posts in Palestine.

Between December 2019 and January 2020, I receive the first reports of followers who are no longer able to see my posts and stories in the timeline. From January to June, despite the addition of hundreds of new followers every day, the total number of those who follow my page never exceeds 740 thousand, to then nail down, to date, at 737 thousand. Stories views from an average of 60k also drop to 5k every 24 hours.

In March I report the problem to the assistance of Instagram Italy and the US, since then the answer is a broken record: ‘We are investigating to solve the problem, thanks for your patience’. Until June 12, they liquidate the case explaining that ‘it is a block that eliminates fake followers and bots to ensure the security of my account’.

Bullshits. An explanation that does not justify the failure to count new followers for over 6 months. The shadowban is an unacceptable complaint that violates Article 21 of our Constitution and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

This is why I decided to start my social disobedience on Mark Zuckerberg’s platforms.

Thanks to all those who have animated my profiles in these seven years and have contributed to making them great and above all useful. If they shut our mouths it is because we are telling uncomfortable truths.

Boycotting the use of Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp is for me a blatant gesture that wants to publicly unmask the deviated control system of the great Zionist lobby as well as reject the fact that a private tech company decides, above the laws, what we can say, read and watch.

#boycottfacebook #BoycottInstagram #BoycottWhatsapp

“Great Zionist lobby” is treading into antisemite territory, Chef.

Which would explain why you defend someone responsible for the murders of Jews.

Update: My bad, Chef Rubio supporting a terrorist is not really news either.

Despite having deleted the tweet after a few hours, the latest outing on social media by Chef Rubio , a well-known cookery show host , has aroused numerous controversies . As reported by Il Fatto Quotidiano , in one of his latest tweets the television personality spoke in relation to the fires that hit the Amazon: “Those who say“ ELIMINATE THE MEAT, SAVE THE FOREST laugh! If they are burning #Amazonia it is also for corn, sugar cane and soy monocultures (#Monsanto #Bayer)! If you want to save the planet, spend less, consume less, and physically eliminate the sovereignists and co. “And alongside the sovereigns” to be physically eliminated “he placed the Israeli, American and Brazilian flags, to indicate the targets to hit.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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