This week 31 years ago, as part of the largest airlift in Israeli history, 14,500+ Ethiopian Jews were covertly brought to Israel in what later became known as Operation Solomon. An IAF C-130 Hercules and Boeing 707 heavy transport aircraft, along with El Al planes, were used by Israeli forces who performed non-stop flights to successfully and safely complete the incredibly complex operation within just 36 hours.
Here is rare footage of the operation.
“Operation Solomon truly represented what Zionism is about and demonstrated the purpose of the State of Israel: providing a house and a shelter to Jews from all around the world who suffered and were prosecuted merely for being Jewish. It was a great operation on a global scale: never before, did so few pilots transport such a great number of people in such a short time”, said the IAF Commander at the time, Maj. Gen. Avihu Ben-Nun.
So much for that Zionist racism eh….
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