A few months ago, I was approached by an outfit called Rockets Into Roses, who asked if I wanted to collaborate with them.
I didn’t even have to think for a second before agreeing.
You see, I have known about them for about 15 years, mentioning them all the way back in December 2009 (the one year I decided to post Live Blogs every day):
10:08PM: Now this is just awesome: Rockets into Roses.
A lot has changed since 2009, but not my opinion on this endeavor – which takes pieces of Kassam rockets that have been fired at Israel (and now also fragments of Iron Dome missiles protecting us) and turns them into things of beauty.
I am a huge fan of turning lemons into lemonade, after all. It is what I try to do every time I take the words and actions of antisemites and terror supporters, and use their own words against themselves.
But what Yaron Bob, a former computer teacher turned Blacksmith and metal sculptor from Moshav Yated near the Gaza border, does is pure artistry, because he turns weapons of fear into things of beauty and hope.

Here are some of the beautiful items of his I have been lucky enough to receive:
If you would like one of your own, you can purchase here. As an added bonus, some of the proceeds help fund bomb shelters.