Last week, an Israel advocate called Ofir from Israel exposed a cheerleader for Australian basketball team the Sydney Kings*, who is also a cheerleader for Hizbullah:
She goes by Mimmzz on Instagram, and you can see more of her terror support in her story highlights here.

Note how besides being a Sydney Kings Dance Crew dancer, she is also a brand ambassador for Puma and California Kisses Active.
For the record, I know her real name, but because of Australia’s anti-doxxing laws, I won’t be publishing it (it is not readily publicly available, but she did leave clues online). Suffice to say, it seems her father came to Israel from Lebanon, and is a criminal who served jail time for offences relating to the armed robbery of a truck, including robbery while armed with a dangerous weapon.
Meanwhile, the Sydney Kings Dance Crew, for whom she dances, has reacted to the exposing of her Hizbullah support by simply removing their Instagram account.
I am not sure if this was to protect their dancer or because they were asked to by the Sydney Kings (who contract them), but the Kings did release this statement that might very well relate to the situation:

I somehow suspect that she won’t be cheerleading for the Kings again.