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These excerpts taken from Islam – The Modern Religion:

“Both Jews and Christians believe in that part of the Bible which Christians call the Old Testament. The Old Testament contains references to the prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace and blessings. That Book declared him to be a true prophet….”

Nowhere does it say that Muhammad is a true prophet. He is not even mentioned in the Old Testament.

“..So it is necessary for the Jew and Christian to believe that Islam is true.You therefore do not need to argue over the details of Islam with a Jew or Christian.”

Well, I guess if you have such great proof, then why bother debating?

“..If he thinks Islam is wrong on any point he has to answer for himself why his Bible recommends Muhammad if he taught a false religion. If he wants to reject the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) then he has to also reject his Bible. But then if he rejects his Bible he is no longer a Jew or a Christian and you have won the debate.”


“Now what remains is for us to specify where in the Bible to find mention of our prophet. In the Old Testament there are many references. The most significant is Song of Solomon, chapter 5, verse 16. This verse mentions our prophet by name. It says in the Hebrew language Bibles “He is Muhammad.” But English translation have “He is altogether lovely” instead of the real truth. You need to insist that, since it says our prophet’s name in the Hebrew, the “altogether lovely” translation is nothing more than a camouflage hiding our prophet’s name. Tell every Bible reader whether Jew or Christian to ask any Hebrew scholar to read the Hebrew word which appears as “altogether lovely” in the translation. You will hear that word pronounced “Muhammad.” Why then hide what you should believe? “

That is your “most significant” proof? Sounds like a strong case. Except for the fact that “Song of Solomon” is not part of the Old Testament. It is part of what us Jews call the Tanach, but is not part of the 5 books of Moses (the written Torah). The Tanach contains words of the Jewish prophets after the events of the Old Testament. While we believe that the Torah was written by G-d (through the agency of Moses), the same does not apply to the Tanach.

In any event, read the Song of Solomon (or as we call it, the “Song of Songs”). It is a love poem that was written by King Solomon as a metaphor for G-d’s great love for the Jewish people. So it seems odd that all of a sudden Muhammad would be mentioned. “he is altogether lovely” fits the context, despite also fitting the actual meaning of the Hebrew word!

And perhaps the fuzziest of them all…..

“If all this seems too easy it is just because the truth is on your side.”

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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