Shmuley is still obsessed with Michael Jackson – and himself. Consider his latest column, which once again degenerates into an autobiography.
Earth to Mark Geragos: Get control of your client quick, or get out of there before your own credibility is destroyed. I was around Michael Jackson. I know how seductive that spotlight is. And I know how hard it is to cut oneself off from it. Releasing myself from the grips of my close friendship with Michael ñ once I concluded definitively that his chaotic lifestyle was pulling me into its vortex ñ was one of the hardest professional choices I have made.
But it came down to the central question of my own credibility. Since I saw that Michael was no longer open to my influence to normalize his life, I would end up being yet another ineffective hanger-on to a superstar. I made a clear choice. Either Michael live by the healthy lifestyle modifications I demanded, or I would move on.
Am I the only one who can smell the bovine excrement here?