Now this is a great idea:
The police are gong to begin implementing their plan to hang bags of swine fat in buses and other public places, in the hope it will deter suicide bombers from entering them.
The suggestion is based on the fact that Islam, like Judaism, regards the pig as an unclean animal. Strict Moslem tradition holds that any Moslem who touches a pig before dying will be denied access to heaven.
The main way of recruiting suicide bombers, many of whom are religiously observant Moslems, is the assurance that as martyrs (shahids) their place in paradise is guaranteed, assuring them seventy willing virgins will be at their beck and call, according to Moslem tradition.
The police thought of using pigs or pork products to ward off terrorism months ago, but needed a rabbinical permit to carry it out, so as not to offend Jewish sensibilities.
Rabbi Eliezer Moshe Fisher, of the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court, ruled on Wednesday that “there is no halachic ban on using bags of lard in buses and other places” when saving lives is concerned. The halachic permit says bags of lard may be used in any place that might be a target for suicide bombings, such as schools, shopping malls, railway stations etc.
The rabbi also said that if the police do not use pig fat in buses, tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews will arm themselves with spray guns filled with liquid lard, which they will spray on terrorists whenever the need arises.
Deputy Defense Minister MK Ya’akov Edri came out in support of the new idea. If bags of pig lard will prevent zealous Moslem terrorists from carrying out attacks, I’m all for it”, he said.
I predict that Islamic clerics are going to respond to this by stating that coming into contact with pig does not deny the terrorist access to heaven. Therefore, I would recommend feeding terrorist carcasses to pigs. At least this way, the terrorist’s body is treated with the dignity that it deserves.