#1: When posting a collection of news photos, make sure to include repeated pictures of Sharon smiling. For full effect, juxtapose this picture with one of a Palestinian girl crying.
#2: Connect the aforementioned “smiling Sharon” picture to Israeli operations in Gaza and Palestinian deaths there, in order to imply that he is happy about the operation, and the loss of life. For example, write something like this:
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon appeared in no mood to order a swift halt to Israel’s ongoing operation in northern Gaza, which has left more than 120 Palestinians dead since its launch last month.(AFP/Gali Tibbon)
#3: When including photos of both Sharon and Arafat, make sure that you cast Sharon as the shadowy, sinister figure.
Bonus tip on demonizing settlers: When a rabbi calls for IDF soldiers to refuse orders to evacuate “settlements”, include with this story reference to anti-disengagement protests organized by the settlement movement. This ensures that readers link the unreasonable statements of the rabbi with the settlement movement. Ensure that you make absolutely no mention of the fact that the settlement movement have categorically rejected the rabbi’s statements, and insisted that soldiers are to follow orders.