Here is a little excerpt about Terrorfat from Australian blogger Tara’s mum:
My personal views are mixed. Both about the PLO and Yasser Arafat. I respect many qualities he posses and also abhor others. I respect his resilience and yet he has left me feeling embarrassed and cringing at some of his actions during his long career.
Let me guess…you are embarrassed by his ordering the murder of countless men, women and children? His diversion of millions of dollars in funds earmarked for the PLO Arabs?
For instance, the Oslo Accords. I respect his courage, his true love for his country. I don’t envy his position nor the concessions he has had to make both personally and morally.
Hmmm..this blogger is embarrassed by his ostensible peace overtures (which we know were a sham anyway). But his acts of terror are a source of pride for her.